American Journal of Police: Volume 14 Issue 2
Table of contents
Merging public and private security for collective benefit: Philadelphia’s center city district
Jack R. Greene, Thomas M. Seamon, Paul R. LevyGives historical background to the new interest in “showcasing” inner cities of the USA. Focuses on Philadelphia as an example of government‐business alliance. Notes the former…
Image control: how police affect the presentation of crime news
Steven ChermakPublic opinion and political ideology affect the way in which police departments formulate responses to crime. Examines how departments construct public images to ensure favorable…
The relative importance of race and ethnicity on citizen attitudes toward the police
Vincent J. Webb, Chris E. MarshallUndertakes research in Omaha, Nebraska on factors found to be predictors of attitudes toward the police (ATP). Addresses the question of whether ATP are primarily a function of…
Public attitudes toward the police
Paul Jesilow, J’ona Meyer, Nazi NamazziSurveys attitudes to police (ATP) in Santa Ana, California by asking respondents what they most like or dislike about police. Finds inter alia that the primary indicator of ATP is…
Felonious killings of state police and highway patrol officers: a descriptive and comparative evaluation
Terry D. EdwardsUses statistics from FBI annual reports (1985‐1992) to compare felonious killings, analyzing and comparing with data for deaths of non‐state police officers. Finds that state…
Socio‐demographic factors: reference groups and the career orientations, career aspirations and career satisfaction of Canadian police officers
Leslie B. Buckley, Michael G. PetrunikTakes a random sample of 156 respondents from municipal and rural police forces in Canada to examine the relationship between various factors concerning their careers. Finds that…
Female police officers: gender bias and professionalism
Mary CuadradoQuestions a sample of criminal justice students to show that when officer competence is evaluated in terms of professionalism rather than confrontational issues, bias against…