American Journal of Police: Volume 14 Issue 1
Table of contents
Research and reform in community policing
Hans TochExamines the opportunities provided by problem‐oriented community policing to combine research with reform. Advocates the involvement of workers as researchers in this action…
Community‐oriented policing across the US: facilitators and impediments to implementation
Jihong Zhao, Quint C. Thurman, Nicholas P. LovrichReviews the rise of community‐oriented policing (CP) in the USA. Analyses data from a survey of police chiefs across the USA which investigated the extent of organizational change…
Less than meets the eye: police department bias crime units
Samuel Walker, Charles M. KatzIn the USA, rising concern about ethnic conflict has led to the creation of special bias crime units (BCUs) in a number of police departments. The vast majority of states have…
Police officers’ belief systems: a framework for analysis
Robert E. WordenNo study has been made to identify systematically the elements of police officers’ belief systems. Most studies focus on one or more attitudes and ignore related findings. Recent…
Controlling the use of force: an evaluation of street‐level narcotics interdiction in Miami
Roger G. Dunham, Geoffrey P. AlpertIn the wake of the Rodney King incident, considers how police can be trained to use force in order to maintain civic control while ensuring that this authority is not used…
Backstage with “Cops”: the dramaturgical reification of police subculture in American crime “info‐tainment”
Michael Hallett, Dennis PowellExamines the meanings of television programs for actor/police officers who acted in “reality TV” programs. Police engage in “legitimation work” to enhance public relations and…
Comparing campus and city crime rates: a descriptive study
Max L. BromelyOver the past twenty years in the USA, as institutions have grown in size and the student profile has extended over a wider socio‐economic base, campus crime has increased…