Pigment & Resin Technology: Volume 23 Issue 5
The international journal of colorants, polymers and colour applicationsTable of contents
Characterizing Active Surfactants in Three Dimensions
Victor P. JanuleThe SensaDyne Tensiometer uses a patented technology that is a refinement of the maximum bubble pressure method. This method was first suggested by Simon in 1851 and later…
Steel‐protective Paints Free of Anti‐corrosive Pigments: Part 1: Epoxidized Fatty Materials Condensed with Aliphatic Amines
S.M. El‐Sawy, A.A. El‐Sanabary, B.M. BadranOver the last few years there have been several trials to replace inorganic corrosion inhibitors, which in organic coatings are pigments, with materials which are, in principle…
Mini articles
The first Datacolour International (DCI) automated paint dispensing and mixing system in the UK is now in operation at Hydro Coatings Limited. The installation is the result of…
Regular features
Driers for Waterborne Alkyds ‐ A complete range of driers suitable for waterborne alkyd systems is now being marketed in the UK by Chemitrade.
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Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Professor Long Lin