Pigment & Resin Technology: Volume 2 Issue 4


The international journal of colorants, polymers and colour applications

Table of contents

Comment: Growth in the paint industry

Both 1971 and 1972 have been boom years for paint manufacturers, but although sales are projected as continuing to be buoyant in 1973 and 1974, pressure from costs will cause a…

Review of applications of G.P.C.: Part 2:

R.A. Ellis

Pedersen and Lyngaae‐Jorgensen have reported the fractionation of five P.V.C. samples by G.P.C., and have produced curves which fitted the data obtained independently by osmometry…

Development and applications for matting agents

S.E. Maskery

Matting agents, flatting agents or gloss control additives are introduced into surface coatings to produce finishes with reduced gloss and light reflection. The old method of…

Applications for fluorescent pigments

H.H. Lavell

The other day I visited an exhibition of paintings in an art gallery. It was not too well lit, and one painting stood out immediately because of a small but extremely brightly…

Fulmer and Yarsley to merge interests

Fulmer Research Institute Ltd. and Yarsley Research Laboratories Ltd. jointly announce that agreement has been reached for transferring the present business of YRL at Chessington…


D.H. Industries of Lyon Industrial Estate, River Road, Barking, Essex, have announced their appointment as exclusive U.K. and Irish distributors of Mini‐Media manufactured by…


The No. 1279–10 and 1266–10 models feature magnetic stirring with thermistor‐controlled heat. Hot‐plate surface temperature control through a built‐in thermistor or control of the…


An all‐latex binder system has been developed by Revertex which is said to overcome many of the problems associated with previous binder systems used for coating paper and board…


Over the course of a year, ICI issue many Technical Information sheets. These are colour coded for easy filing, and are numbered for quick reference. They have now produced an…

Cover of Pigment & Resin Technology







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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Professor Long Lin