Kybernetes: Volume 50 Issue 2


The international journal of cybernetics, systems and management sciences

Table of contents

Analyzing the effect of location, communication regime, and demographic faultline on team cohesion

Mohammad Hadi Aliahmadi, Ahmad Makui, Ali Bonyadi Naeini

Building on the Lau and Murnighan’s theory of fault line strength, Flache and Mäs (2008b) proposed a computational opinion dynamics model to explore the effect of demographic…


The ordered weighted average corporate social responsibility

Marlenne G. Velazquez-Cazares, Ernesto Leon-Castro, Fabio Blanco-Mesa, Segio Alvarado-Altamirano

The purpose of this paper is to identify new formulations for evaluating corporate social responsibility using different aggregation information operators.


A new methodology for customer behavior analysis using time series clustering: A case study on a bank’s customers

Hossein Abbasimehr, Mostafa Shabani

The purpose of this paper is to propose a new methodology that handles the issue of the dynamic behavior of customers over time.


Context-sensitive and attribute-based sentiment classification of online consumer-generated content

Barkha Bansal, Sangeet Srivastava

Vast volumes of rich online consumer-generated content (CGC) can be used effectively to gain important insights for decision-making, product improvement and brand management…


Modelling and simulation analysis of a bulk queueing system

Nithya R.P., Haridass M.

The purpose of this paper is to provide simulation modelling for bulk arrival bulk service queueing system involved in a textile industry and analyze the performance metrics.


Supply chain coordination under nonlinear cap and trade carbon emission function and demand uncertainty

Jafar Heydari, Zahra Mirzajani

This paper investigates to find whether it is possible to align the interests of a small and medium manufacturing enterprise (SMME) with its raw material supplier in a…


Impacts of uncertain online reviews on pricing and profits of competitive retailers

Cui Zhao, Yao Zhang

This paper aims to investigate the impacts of uncertain online reviews on product prices and profits of two competitive retailers.


Virtual machine placement mechanisms in the cloud environments: a systematic review

Haiyan Zhuang, Babak Esmaeilpour Ghouchani

Virtual machines (VMs) are suggested by the providers of cloud services as the services for the users over the internet. The consolidation of VM is the tactic of the competent and…


Biocybernetic model for the diagnosis and treatment of chronic pain: An approximation from cognitive neurosciences and the theory of complexity

Fernando Hormazabal, Leonardo Lavanderos, Alejandro Malpartida

The biopsychosocial model (BPSM) on chronic pain is an interactive psychophysiological behavior pattern that cannot be separated into different independent components. However…


Formation mechanism of environmental protection behaviours of community residents: A system dynamics perspective

Ruihua Xu, Fan Luo, Xiaofang Chen, Mingze Li, Zapan Barua

The purpose of this paper is to analyse the characteristics of environmental protection behaviours of community residents from the perspective of system dynamics.


Drivers of physicians’ satisfaction and continuance intention toward the cloud-based hospital information system

Yung-Ming Cheng

The purpose of this study is to propose an integrated model based on expectation-confirmation model (ECM) and technology acceptance model (TAM) to examine whether environmental…


An optimization method for determining the emergency action by considering compatibilities and collaborative relationship

Haiming Liang, Xiao Zhang, Fang Fang, Xi Chen

The aim of this paper is to propose an optimization method for determining the emergency action, in which the compatibility between emergency alternatives and the collaborative…


Towards a general hybrid theory in wicked problem structuring part 1: the foundation

Maurice Yolles

This paper has two parts, namely, Part 1 and Part 2. The purpose of this paper (Part 1) is to explain an adaptive relational paradigm that can efficaciously respond to the complex…


Towards a general hybrid theory in wicked problem structuring part 2: the relational agency paradigm

Maurice Yolles

This paper has two parts. The purpose of part 1 explains the need for an adaptive paradigm that can efficaciously respond to the complex issues in wicked problems and the…


A new model for assessing the impact of environmental psychology, e-learning, learning style and school design on the behavior of elementary students

Xu Zhao, Jingyang Wang, Mengyu Wang, Xuesong Li, Xia Gao, Chunlei Huang

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the literature on the treatment of primary pupils and inspecting the role of environmental psychology, e-learning, learning style and…


The high - and new-technology enterprise identification, marketization process and the total factor productivity of enterprise

Jianjun Jiang, Peiqiang Su, Zhiyuan Ge

The purpose of this study is to find the relationships among the high- and new-technology enterprise (HNTE) identification policy, firm’s total factor productivity (TFP) and the…


Operational risk modeling for cold chain logistics system: a Bayesian network approach

Chaoyu Zheng, Benhong Peng, Guo Wei

The operational management of cold chain logistics has an important impact on the quality of cold chain products, but the service delivery process is subject to a series of…


A social network based approach to identify and rank influential nodes for smart city

Bharat Arun Tidke, Rupa Mehta, Dipti Rana, Divyani Mittal, Pooja Suthar

In online social network analysis, the problem of identification and ranking of influential nodes based on their prominence has attracted immense attention from researchers and…


Implications of government subsidies for waste cooking oil considering asymmetric information

Rui Yang, Wansheng Tang, Jianxiong Zhang

Without proper treatment, waste cooking oil (WCO) will bring serious environmental and health hazards, which can be effectively alleviated by converting it into biofuel. Subsidies…


Risk investment decisions within the deterministic equivalent income model

Yan Song, Xin Yun Li, Yi Li, Xianpei Hong

The purpose of this paper is to establish a deterministic equivalent income model (DEIM) based on the risk cost (RC) and risk aversion of investors. The model fully considers both…

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