Kybernetes: Volume 50 Issue 10


The international journal of cybernetics, systems and management sciences

Table of contents - Special Issue: Socio-economic ecosystem (BSLab 2020)

Guest Editors: Gandolfo Dominici

Scalability of generative knowledge management systems: designing for individuals’ and institutions’ mutual benefit

Ulrich Schmitt

In further conceptualizing a novel generative knowledge management system (KM/KMS), this paper aims to focus on identifying and mitigating the risks related to its envisaged…

Open Access.

Investment behaviour in mutual funds: is it a knowledge-based decision?

Luminița Nicolescu, Florentin Gabriel Tudorache

This paper aims to make an analysis of investment behaviour in mutual funds, by looking at different investment decision influencers and trying to identify the extent to which the…


AI-driven platform enterprise maturity: from human led to machine governed

Sergey Yablonsky

To be more effective, artificial intelligence (AI) requires a broad overall view of the design and transformation of enterprise architecture and capabilities. Maturity models…


Exploring how the intangible side of an organization impacts its business model

Maria-Isabel Sanchez-Segura, German-Lenin Dugarte-Peña, Antonio Amescua-Seco, Fuensanta Medina-Dominguez

Information technology/software (IT/SW) professionals use the business model canvas (BMC) to identify innovative digital solutions that improve their client’s business values…


The effect of intangible assets on sustainable growth and firm value – Evidence on intellectual capital investment in companies listed on Bucharest Stock Exchange

Catalin Ionita, Elena Dinu

The present study investigates the connection between company investments in intellectual capital (IC) and how they translate into financial value. The aim is to test the impact…


Utopian and dystopian ideological systems and unintended and adverse consequences

José Luis Usó Doménech, Josué Antonio Nescolarde-Selva, Miguel Lloret-Climent, Kristian Alonso, Hugh Gash

The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate mathematically the impossibility of achieving a utopian society. Demonstrate that any attempt to correct deviations from a hypothetical…


Social cryptocurrencies as model for enhancing sustainable development

H. Mora, Mario R. Morales-Morales, Francisco A. Pujol-López, Rafael Mollá-Sirvent

Growing inequality and socioeconomic and environmental degradation concerns forces us to think about how innovative technologies can contribute to reduce this problem. This study…


Scientific mapping on the convergence of innovation and sustainability (innovability): 1990–2018

Iván Manuel De la Vega Hernández, Luciano Barcellos de Paula

Innovation and sustainability are key in today’s competitive world. It is no longer possible to conceive an organization that has not incorporated these two elements for it to…


An epidemic model to address the spread of plant pests. The case of Xylella fastidiosa in almond trees

María Teresa Signes-Pont, José Juan Cortés-Plana, Higinio Mora, Rafael Mollá-Sirvent

The purpose of this paper is to present a discrete compartmental susceptible-asymptomatic-infected-dead (SAID) model to address the expansion of plant pests. The authors examined…

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