Kybernetes: Volume 46 Issue 2
The international journal of cybernetics, systems and management sciencesTable of contents
Antecedents of cultural agency theory: in the footsteps of Schwarz living systems
Maurice Yolles, Davide Di FattaCultural agency theory (CAT) generates higher simplex through principles of recursion, and, in this way, it is able to create a potential for the generation of families of new…
Developing a methodology for the moral education of active bystanders: A systemic perspective
Dagny Johannessen, Daniel Joh. Adriaenssen, Kjell-Ove Ernes, Jon-Arild JohannessenThis paper aims to develop a methodology for teaching moral courage.
Service recommender system based on emotional features and social interactions
Soe Tsyr Yuan, Chun-Ya YangMost existing recommendation systems or technologies are functional-oriented. Recommending services, nevertheless, requires the consideration of service experiences perceived by…
At Nash equilibrium when new market competitions appear?
Jeffrey Yi-Lin Forrest, John Buttermore, Theresa A. WajdaThis paper aims to investigate the dynamics of a coordinate monopoly with established, risk-neutral firms; how these firms compete by adjusting prices; and when new competition(s…
Cognitive function synthesis: preliminary results
Gerard A.J. Pounder, Ruel L.A. Ellis, Gerardo Fernandez-LopezThis paper aims to introduce the cognitive function synthesis (CFS) conceptual framework to artificial general intelligence. CFS posits that at the “core” of intelligence in…
Online search-based advertising strategy for e-Business platform with the consideration of consumer search cost
Buqing Ma, Xiaoyan Xu, Yanhong Sun, Yiwen BianConsumers are increasingly using search-based advertising in e-Business platforms to seek their desirable products. Platforms will choose a centralized advertising mechanism (CAM…
Exploring the complexity of sugarcane supply chains via systemic approaches
Sandra Hildbrand, Shamim BodhanyaThis paper aims to explore the complexity that characterises sugarcane production and supply systems by applying soft systems methodology (SSM) and the viable system model (VSM…
Hybrid supervised clustering based ensemble scheme for text classification
Aytug OnanThe immense quantity of available unstructured text documents serve as one of the largest source of information. Text classification can be an essential task for many purposes in…
Grey prediction with residual modification using functional-link net and its application to energy demand forecasting
Yi-Chung HuEnergy demand is an important economic index, and demand forecasting has a significant role when devising energy development plans for cities or countries. GM(1,1) model has…
Poincaré section analysis of the electroencephalogram in autism spectrum disorder using complement plots
Ghasem Sadeghi Bajestani, Mohammad Reza Hashemi Golpayegani, Ali Sheikhani, Farah AshrafzadehThis paper aims to explain, first of all, signal modeling steps using Poincaré, and then considering the occurred events, concept of information applying Poincaré section and…