Kybernetes: Volume 43 Issue 6


The international journal of cybernetics, systems and management sciences
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Table of contents - Special Issue: The difference that makes a difference

On being informational: intertwining the communication and self-production flows

Raquel del Moral, Jorge Navarro, Pedro C. Marijuán

The purpose of this paper is to advocate a change of perspective in the development of information science. At stake is whether this science will be able to make sense of both the…


Causing something to be one way rather than another: Genetic information, causal specificity and the relevance of linear order

Barbara Osimani

The purpose of this paper is to suggest a definition of genetic information by taking into account the debate surrounding it. Particularly, the objections raised by Developmental…


Ontological study of information: identity and state

Marcin J. Schroeder

The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that sufficiently general concept of information encompassing multi-disciplinary scientific conceptualizations of this term can be…


Information is provisional

David Chapman

– The purpose of this paper is to contribute to a transdisciplinary understanding of the nature of information.


Time as a constitutive element of information expressed in signs

Jolanta Szulc, Gabriela Besler

– The purpose of this paper is to find a structure of information expressed in signs. Analysis shows that the arrow of time must be included in its constituent elements.


Postmodernist and consumerist influences on information consumption

Arthur R. Taylor

The statement “information is a difference that makes a difference” implies causal relationships between information bits. This relationship includes the use or consumption of…


Exercising identity: agency and narrative in identity management

Liesbet Van Zoonen, Georgina Turner

The purpose of this paper is to address the paradox in identity management that sees people happily sharing personal information in some circumstances, such as via social…


The ethical obligations of a banal, content apocalypse

Carson Grubaugh

To ask if humans have a categorical obligation to maintain narratives, especially personal narratives of identity? Or, are we better off evolving past such things? This question…

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