Kybernetes: Volume 42 Issue 5
The international journal of cybernetics, systems and management sciencesTable of contents - Special Issue: Modelling and Simulation in Enterprises – MS'10 Barcelona
Algorithm applied in the identification of stakeholders
Anna Maria Gil‐Lafuente, Luciano Barcellos PaulaThis paper aims to focus the research on the identification of stakeholders through an analysis of an empirical study by a consulting firm in Brazil. In this case study, the…
The probabilistic weighted averaging distance and its application in group decision making
Jose M. MerigoThe purpose of this paper is to develop a new decision making method based on distance measures that uses the probabilistic weighted averaging (PWA) operator. The paper introduces…
Evaluation of environmental impacts using backpropagation neural network
Jelena Jovanovic, Zdravko Krivokapic, Aleksandar VujovicThe purpose of this present study is to find a scientific method for the evaluation of environmental impacts according to the requirement 4.3.1.
A personal selection model using Galois group theory
Aras Keropyan, Anna Maria Gil‐LafuenteThe purpose of this paper is to propose a personal selection model based on the comparison between the qualifications of prospective candidates that apply for an open job position…
The assessment of cash flow forecasting
Salvador Linares‐Mustarós, Joan Carles Ferrer‐Comalat, Elvira Cassú‐SerraThe aim of this study is to show in detail the theoretical and practical foundations of a new feasibility technique for cash flow forecasting (CFF) based on triangular fuzzy…
Forgotten effects of corporate social and environmental responsibility: A case study of Catalonian economy
Emili Vizuete Luciano, Anna Maria Gil‐Lafuente, Ana García González, Sefa Boria‐ReverterThe purpose of this study is to develop a model that illustrated how influences are interpreted and then shaped by an economy into its commitment towards corporate social and…
What are the relationships among Web 2.0, market orientation and innovativeness?
Daniel Palacios‐Marques, Alejandro Zegarra Saldaña, Jose Enrique VilaFirms are adopting Web 2.0 technologies to improve collaboration, participation and communication; however there are few empirical studies testing the impact of this adoption. The…
Cross‐cultural differences in the content and presentation of web sites
Ruben Huertas‐Garcia, Agusti Casas‐Romeo, Esther SubiraInternet is set to be one of the main channels of distribution in the future and already greatly facilitates product evaluation thanks to the information available on the net. The…
Decision making with the uncertain IMOWAD operator
Shouzhen ZengThe purpose of this paper is to present a new decision making technique called the uncertain induced Minkowski OWA distance (UIMOWAD) operator.
Choice of entry mode into a foreign market: The case of Balearic hotel chains in the Caribbean region
Onofre Martorell Cunill, Carles Mulet Forteza, Anna Maria Gil‐LafuenteThe purpose of this paper is to examine the factors that play a decisive role in determining growth strategies implemented by the hotel chains of the Balearic Islands in the…
Valuation of money‐back guarantees for retail goods: a test of the real‐option perspective
Lieh‐Ming LuoThe paper aims to develop an alternative valuation model for money‐back guarantees (MBG) using a real‐option approach and examine the validity of the proposed model with an…
Structural optimization of fuzzy systems' rules base and aggregation models
Yuriy Panteliyovych Kondratenko, Leonid Pavlovych Klymenko, Eyad Yasin Mustafa Al Zu'biThe purpose of this paper is to propose a general method to simplify the structure of fuzzy controllers' rule base using integrated methodology for reducing the number of fuzzy…