Kybernetes: Volume 36 Issue 9/10


The international journal of cybernetics, systems and management sciences
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Table of contents - Special Issue: Cybernetics and Design

Guest Editors: Professor Ranulph Glanville

Introduction: special double issue of Kybernetes on cybernetics and design

Ranulph Glanville

The purpose of this editorial is to reach out to an audience that Kybernetes has not previously tried to reach – designers – in an effort to build a bridge connecting cybernetics…


Try again. Fail again. Fail better: the cybernetics in design and the design in cybernetics

Ranulph Glanville

The purpose of this paper is to explore the two subjects, cybernetics and design, in order to establish and demonstrate a relationship between them. It is held that the two…


Cybernetic embodiment and the role of autonomy in the design process

Argyris Arnellos, Thomas Spyrou, John Darzentas

This paper aims to develop the role of autonomy in the emergence of the design process. It shows how the design process is facilitated by autonomy, how autonomy is enhanced…


The origin of modelling

Phil Ayres

This paper aims to explore the relationship between modelling and design from a cybernetic perspective.


Towards a virtual architecture: pushing cybernetics from government to anarchy

Ana Paula Baltazar

This paper aims to discuss the possibility of joining cybernetics and architecture as a continuous and open process, bridging design, construction and use, in that which is called…


Designing cybersystemically for symviability

Gary Boyd, Vladimir Zeman

The purpose of this paper is to encourage professional designers of many kinds, and especially those of the entertainment media, to understand themselves as actually being…


An indeterminate project for architecture in Brazil

Jose dos Santos Cabral Filho

This paper seeks to describe an experiment carried out in the 1980s by a small practice called Céu do 3o. Mundo (C3M) relating to the application of cybernetics principles to a…


Self‐observing collective: An exemplar for design research?

D.P. Dash

This paper sets out to provide arguments and examples supporting the idea that some “wicked” design problems may be usefully approached through the process of bringing forth a…


It's all about communication: graphics and cybernetics

Simon Downs

The paper seeks to serve a dual process, first, to raise awareness of the epistemological weaknesses inherent in the ways that visual communications designers address their own…


Cybernetics and service‐craft: language for behavior‐focused design

Hugh Dubberly, Paul Pangaro

This paper aims to describe relationships between cybernetics and design, especially service design, which is a component of service‐craft; to frame cybernetics as a language for…


The dynamics of design

Natalie Ebenreuter

This paper seeks to develop the argument that a cybernetic framework will enable designers to act as an observer and participant in the process of designing. The dynamic nature of…


How to design a black and white box

Stephen Gage

Delight, and the possibility that an observer might continually delight in the same thing, is difficult to deal with in a rigorous way. Very little has been written recently about…


Systemic environmental decision making: designing learning systems

Ray Ison, Chris Blackmore, Kevin Collins, Pam Furniss

This paper was written for a special issue of Kybernetes devoted to cybernetics and design. It aims to focus on case studies that are both informed by cybernetic and systems…


Research through DESIGN through research: A cybernetic model of designing design foundations

Wolfgang Jonas

The paper seeks to make a substantial contribution to the still controversial question of design foundations.


The cybernetics of design and the design of cybernetics

Klaus Krippendorff

The purpose of this paper is to connect two discourses, the discourse of cybernetics and that of design.


Design and prosthetic perception

Ted Krueger

The paper aims to consider competing accounts of perception and to examine their potential to support design activity that seeks to extend and enrich perception using interface…


A sociocybernetic approach to wayfinding map studies: The systems of people‐map‐space interactions

Christopher Kian Teck Kueh

This paper seeks to apply a systemic approach to study human‐map‐space interactions that will benefit the design of a wayfinding map.


Complex built‐environment design: four extensions to Ashby

Terence Love, Trudi Cooper

This paper sets out to report on research by the authors into the development and application of four extensions to Ashby's Law of Requisite Variety (LoRV) that increase its…


The magic of three

Johann van der Merwe

This paper aims to combine several modes of thought based on systems organization and observing systems in order to construct a model for a “designerly way of thinking”.


Architecture as a verb: cybernetics and design processes for the social divide

Anja Pratschke

This paper aims to draw on current research in public policy, and more specifically about a collaborative design process for a poor suburban community in São Paulo, Brazil and its…


Drawing a live section: explorations into robotic membranes

Mette Ramsgard Thomsen

This paper aims to discuss the conceptualisation, design and realisation of a robotic membrane. Presenting research taking place between the cross‐over among architecture…


Second‐order cybernetics, architectural drawing and monadic thinking

Peg Rawes

The purpose of this paper is to examine shared principles of “irreducibility” or “undecidability” in second‐order cybernetics, architectural design processes and Leibniz's…


Cybernetic principles for learning design

Bernard Scott, Simon Shurville, Piers Maclean, Chunyu Cong

This paper aims to present an approach from first principles to the design of learning experiences in interactive learning environments, that is “learning designs” in the broadest…


Conversations with the self‐knowledge creation for designing

Kaye Shumack

This paper aims to draw links between the circularity of second‐order cybernetics, and constructive, reflective conversations with oneself in design practice. The paper argues…


Design of the netgeneration: Streaming the flow of design and science in the educational practice of the creative industry

Aukje Thomassen

This paper sets out to provide insight into the current debate on art, science and the new net generation of young professionals with the usage of the conceptual framework of…


A framework for designing sustainable urban communities

Shann Turnbull

The purpose of the paper is to show how the sustainability of urban settlements can be improved by treating as a variable the design of property rights: to realty, corporations…


Informing design praxis via 2nd‐order cybernetics

Randall Whitaker

This paper aims to present lessons learned in applying 2nd‐order cybernetics – specifically Maturana and Varela's “biology of cognition” – to the actual design of interactive…


Rethinking the cybernetic basis of design: the concepts of control and organization

Theodore Zamenopoulos, Katerina Alexiou

Even though design as a purposeful activity naturally fits into the realm of cybernetics, the emphasis on control has limited the scope of using cybernetic principles in design…

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