Kybernetes: Volume 34 Issue 5


The international journal of cybernetics, systems and management sciences

Table of contents

Advances in the development of cyborgs

Brian H. Rudall

This paper reviews current advances in the development of Cyborgs and topics in systems and cybernetics. It includes reviews of: Biocybernetics – new applications of TMS…


The commercial use of PROLOG

Alex M. Andrew

The commercial use of the logic programming language PROLOG is reviewed, with reference to applications in legal document preparation, advice to medical practitioners, natural…


Control processes in survey interviews: a cybernetic approach

Johannes van der Zouwen, Johannes H. Smit

In survey interviews information is transferred to the researchers via a communication process between interviewers and respondents. This process is controlled directly by the…


Revisiting the political cybernetics of organisations

Maurice Yolles

The viable systems theory of autonomous social communities is a cybernetic theory in which politics is seen as a facilitator for social coherence. A recent paper by Yolles…


Stafford Beer in memoriam – “An argument of change” three decades on

Rod Thomas, Nigel van Zwanenberg

This paper is written in memory of the late Stafford Beer. The paper engages with only one dimension of the whole man: Stafford Beer as the diagnostician and prognostician of the…


Non‐linear dynamics in affective solutions: analysis of massive collectives of emotional agents

Andrew Adamatzky

Aims to take an atomistic view on emotions, where emotions are seen as discrete entities interacting with one another.


Secondary holodiffractional radiation of biological systems

Marina Shaduri

Reproducible images of human fingertips' induced glow (Kirlian radiation) were captured despite extremely unstable nature of living systems' emission. The matrix of correlations…


A systematic approach to tropical cyclone track forecasting

Tao‐Yong Peng, H. Joe Kwon, Woo‐Jin Lee, Jang‐Ho Lim

In operational tropical cyclone (TC) forecasting practice, there are usually many TC track guidances available from various official sources. When they do not converge, the…


Cognitive and neuropsychological basis for quantum mechanics: Part III: Antimatter: Preattentional macroscopic‐like behaviour of microscopic particles

Uri Fidelman

This is a continuation of Parts I and II of the paper. In this part it is suggested that microscopic particles behave similarly to macroscopic objects: Features of two entangled…


Numerical analysis in position location: a frequency‐domain model

F.A. Pujol, F.J. Ferrández, J.M. García Chamizo, M. Pujol, R. Rizo

The development of wireless communication techniques has increased the employment of positioning systems, such as GPS. Concerning to this, telecommunication providers predicted…


A cybernetical analysis of dependence between entities

Miguel Lloret‐Climent, Jose Luis Bonnet‐Jerez

We believe that live studies in which individuals, organisms, ecosystems and human societies appear are flawed due to the inadequacy of conceptual structures with which their…


EDSIM: expert database system for inventory management

Suresh Subramoniam, K.V. Krishnankutty

Expert database system (EDS), which is still in its infancy, is developed and demonstrated for a business function by coupling expert systems (ES) and database systems.


A new magical incubator?

Alex M. Andrew

Building 20 of MIT was erected hurriedly during World War II to house the Radiation Laboratory which was the main US centre for research on radar. Later it housed the Research…

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