Kybernetes: Volume 31 Issue 7/8


The international journal of cybernetics, systems and management sciences
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This article has been withdrawn as it was published elsewhere and accidentally duplicated. The original article can be seen here: 10.1108/03684920010333080. When citing the…


The unique reach of cybernetics in our fin‐de‐sie`cle

C. Musès

The greatest mistakes and delusions of human history have come about through logically drawing conclusion from an omissive set of premises. Cybernetics, being the science of the…



This article has been withdrawn as it was published elsewhere and accidentally duplicated. The original article can be seen here: 10.1108/03684929410054889. When citing the…


Unfinished business

Alex M. Andrew

Two leading contributors to cybernetics have recently died. This communication records matters that arose in correspondence with each of them. Professor Pesi Masani was much…


The march of self‐reference

Felix Geyer

Focuses on the issue of increasing environmental and societal complexity, and its effects on the individual, especially visible in the increase of self‐reference (the…


Postmodernism, cybernetics and fuzzy set theory

Constantin Virgil Negoita

This paper is an attempt to stimulate thought and discourse towards postmodernism and its less known roots. It addresses the relationship between postmodernism and the development…


Would dynamic systems involving human factors be necessarily of fractal nature?

Guy Jumarie

It is shown that if one assumes, as a consequence of biological cycles and cultural background, that human systems are subject to random time different from the standard physical…


Virtual clothing in hybrid cellular automata

Alexander Tarakanov, Andrew Adamatzky

An interactive clothing system is one of the basic components of virtual reality. The clothing is implemented via design of two‐dimensional garment panels and putting the panels…


Entropic properties of international systems

Doru Tsaganea

In this article the mathematical formula of entropy is used to evaluate the degree of anarchy specific to multipolar, bipolar, and balance of power international political…


Aspects of a systemic philosophy of knowledge: from social facts to data, information and knowledge

Jon‐Arild Johannessen, Johan Olaisen, Bjørn Olsen

Considers from a cybernetic point of view, a number of philosophical problems raised by the design and utilization of information systems and knowledge management. Discusses the…


Using Bézier curves in approximate reasoning

Eugene Roventa, Tiberiu Spircu

The possibilities of using Bézier curves as a concrete tool in the development of the inference engine of a decision support system allowing approximate reasoning are explored. We…


Approximation of multiple integrals by length of α‐dense curves

A. Benabidallah, Y. Cherruault, G. Mora

The authors have developed a new method for approximating multiple integrals. This new method is based on Alienor method which use α‐dense curves. Double and triple integrals have…

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