Kybernetes: Volume 27 Issue 8
The international journal of cybernetics, systems and management sciencesTable of contents
Brain cybernetics ‐ models and theories
Lars SkyttnerBeing the most complex cybernetic regulatory mechanism existing in the universe, the human brain has given birth to a plethora of theories and models. In this paper, some of the…
Fuzzy clustering preprocessor in neural classifiers
Giovanni Bortolan, Witold PedryczRadial basis function (RBF) neural networks form an essential category of architectures of neurocomputing. They exhibit interesting and useful properties of stable and fast…
The theoretic calculation time associated to α‐dense curves
Gaspar Mora, Yves CherruaultThe theoretic calculation time associated to every α‐dense curve into a fixed H of Rn is inversely proportional to the discretization step depending on the length of the curve…
On the asymptotic distribution of maximum likelihood estimators with doubly censored data
Esteban, D. MoralesA method of estimating lifetime parameters from doubly censored data is given on the basis of the maximum likelihood principle. Consistency and asymptotic normality of the…
Reconstruction of non‐logical axioms from the propositions of multi‐agent doxastic logic
Andrew I. AdamatzkyThere is a collective of locally communicating agents. They believe in some facts of their world. Any agent changes their beliefs depending on the beliefs of their neighbours…
A method of unfolding the cerebral cortex or any other folded surface
D. Brennig JamesPresents a method for unfolding the cerebral cortex and other folded surfaces. Discusses the problem of unfolding such surfaces and gives examples of its complexity. Proposes an…