Kybernetes: Volume 26 Issue 4
The international journal of cybernetics, systems and management sciencesTable of contents
A successive approximation method for solving multi‐objective fuzzy optimization problems
B.X. Zhang, B.T.F. Chung, Edward T. LeeAn efficient method utilizing a “max‐pro” optimum scheme for solving the “max‐min” decision function in a fuzzy optimization environment. The proposed method significantly…
Intelligence differences: neural transmission errors or cerebral arousability?
David L. Robinson, Jaafar BehbehaniConsiders the thesis that intelligence differences and EEG‐intelligence correlations can both be explained in terms of differences in the frequency of neural transmission errors…
Knowledge discovery and system‐user adversary
Zhengxin ChenExamines the relationship between systems and their users from the knowledge discovery perspective. Recently knowledge discovery in databases has made important progress, but it…
Asymptotic approximations for the distributions of the (h‐, φ‐)‐divergence goodness‐of‐fit statistics: application to Renyi’s statistic
M.L. Menéndez, J.A. Pardo, L. Pardo, M.C. PardoRead (1984) presented an asymptotic expansion for the distribution function of the power divergence statistics whose speed of convergence is dependent on the parameter of the…
ALIENOR and TWONE: a comparative study
O. Bendiab, Y. CherruaultCompares two methods (Alienor and Twone) for solving numerically global optimization problems involving continuous functions defined on bounded and connected subsets of 2. The…