COMPEL - The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering: Volume 17 Issue 2
Table of contents
Comparison of optimization techniques for electromagnetic applications
J.K. Sykulski, M. Rotaru, M. Sabene, M. SantilliThe paper presents a comparison of performance of a number of selected optimization procedures when applied to solving electromagnetic field problems. The optimization techniques…
Calculations of reactances in synchronous generators
Pawel WitczakThe finite element (FE) method is nowadays the most popular tool for the analysis of magnetic field distributions in electric machinery. Such a distribution alone is usually not…
Using genetic algorithm for the optimization of electromagnetic devices
F. Zaoui, C. MarchandStochastic methods offer a certain robustness quality to optimization process. In this paper, the genetic algorithm, based on the computer simulation of the natural evolution, is…
Dynamic modelling of a synchronous linear motor with permanent magnet excitation and solid yokes
E. Andresen, M. AndersA three‐axes synchronous torque motor with permanent magnet excitation and solid stator and rotor yoke is used to adjust an air borne telescope and to eliminate oscillations…
Contribution to electromagnetic field analysis in systems with magnetic shunts
S. Apanasewicz, M. Ka´zmierski, I. KerszDeals with aspects of analysis of 2D electromagnetic fields due to a power frequency through a pair of bars placed parallel to a conducting half‐space, above which there are two…
Modelling the charge transport in ESP
Tamás Barbarics, Amália IványiThis paper deals with the determination of the electric field for the electric precipitators. The numerical results are determined by the help of the R‐functions method. The…
Magnetic field analysis of induction motor with rotor faults
Rastko Fiˇser, Stanislav FerkoljThe paper deals with finite element analysis of magnetic field in the cross‐section of induction motor operating at different load conditions. Magnetic field is calculated for the…
Analysis of skewed slots in induction machines by using 2D finite element method
J. Roger‐Folch, V.J. Lázaro Joares, E. Gómez LázaroElectrical machine slots cause an undesirable effect on the m.m.f. wave in the airgap. This effect consists of the occurrence of high frequency harmonics. When the rotor turns…
Influence of the sampling period on sinusoidal steady‐state operations of inverter‐fed asynchronous motors
R. Guidobaldi, E. Pagano, O. VeneriInverter‐fed asynchronous motors represent today a source of disturbance in electric drives, because they irradiate outside their frames electromagnetic waves with different…
Analytical and numerical computation of the no‐load magnetic field in induction motors
Dan M. Ionel, Mihai V. CistelecanIn the paper a comparison between the analytical and numerical method of no‐load computation will be made taking into account the initial hypothesis and computational effort face…
Flux distribution of passive fault current limiter based on saturable core and permanent magnet
Masayoshi Iwahara, Subhas C. Mukhopadhyay, Sotoshi Yamada, Francis P. DawsonFrom the point of view concerned with the development of the information, oriented functions in social activities, recently power consumption has rapidly increased. On the other…
3D non‐linear anisotropic magnetostatic field computation in reactor
Liu Jianxin, Cui Xiang, Fei Zengyao, Shao HanguangThe general 3D vector potential FEM formulations of non‐linear anisotropic magnetostatic field have been derived by using the dyadic analysis in this paper. The Newton‐Raphson…
3D finite element analysis modelling of the arc chamber of a current limiting miniature circuit breaker
P.A. Jeffery, J.K. Sykulski, J.W. McBrideThis paper presents the initial stage of a 3D finite element (FE) model of the electromagnetic field in the arc chamber of a current limiting miniature circuit breaker (MCB). The…
Transient states analysis of 3D transformer structure
K. Komeza, H. Welfle, S. WiakThe complex geometrical structures, transient states and non‐linearity of the magnetic circuit of electromechanical converters are rather unfavorable for field calculation. A very…
Modelling of eddy currents induced in human brain by transcranial magnetic stimulation
Andrzej Krawczyk, Sl§awomir Wiak, Tomasz ZyssDeals with the problems of interactions between the electromagnetic field and the human brain. In particular, the problem of eddy currents in brain tissue induced for medical…
An approach to improve the synchronous machine model in saturated state
S. Lasquellec, M.F. Benkhoris, M. FéliachiA magnetic study has been linked to an electrical survey to improve a saturated synchronous machine model. The machine is supplied by a sinusoidal voltage source, but the…
A field analysis of an overcurrent state and an incidental break in the secondary circuit of a current transformer
E. Le´sniewskaConsiders the concerns of engineers designing overcurrent protection and measuring systems. Looks at the use of software to determine the instrument security fader with higher…
The FEM analysis of Nd‐Fe‐B single‐phase synchronous motor
Li Xinhua, Xi Ziqiang, Wang Jiading, Zhou KedingThis paper briefly introduces the main characteristics of the Nd‐Fe‐B single phase synchronous motor, discusses the equivalence method of the Nd‐Fe‐B and the mathematical model of…
Limitation of the electric field effects in a cylindrical tank by a system of grounding rods
M. Lukaniszyn, R. UnbehauenThe results of calculation of the 3D electrostatic field in a cylindrical tank provided with a system of vertical grounding rods are presented. The field intensities of the…
The analysis of the leakage reactance in a one‐phase transformer with asymmetrical disk‐type windings
M. Lukaniszyn, R. UnbehauenA three‐dimensional analysis of the quasistationary, magnetic leakage field of a one‐phase transformer with asymmetrical disk windings is presented. A simplified mathematical…
Permanent magnet configuration in repulsive type magnetic bearing for improved radial disturbance attentuation characteristics
S.C. Mukhopadhyay, T. Ohji, M. Iwahara, S. Yamada, F. MatsumuraThis paper reports on the development of a repulsive type magnetic bearing system and the importance of permanent magnet (PM) configuration on the attenuation of radial…
The transient and steady state performance of single‐phase induction motor with two capacitors fed by matrix converter
Mehmet Özdemir, Sedat Sünter, Bilal Gümüs5In this study, a single‐phase induction motor with constant v/f, fed by matrix converter, is considered under various frequencies. The modeling of the motor, mechanical load for…

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1982Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Prof Jan Sykulski