Online Review: Volume 1 Issue 4

Table of contents


EURONET medical users' course. A pilot course for EURONET users in the domain of medical and related subject information will be held at the University of Sheffield Postgraduate…


First International On‐Line Information Meeting

On‐Line Review is sponsoring this important meeting, which will be held at the Tara Hotel, Kensington, London, from the 13th to the 15th December 1977.


On‐line retrieval as an information source for bench bioscientists

Dade T. Curtis

Survey results of active research bioscientists invited to a summer conference are presented. A ranking of the sources used by respondents to obtain current and retrospective…


Referral, a tool to increase the use of available information resources

Wolfgang Huber

There is a worldwide increase in the use of referral services, and a number of projects or services are already under way. The aim of referral projects is to develop aids for…


Study of strategies used in on‐line searching

Betty K. Oldroyd, Charles L Citroen

The paper reports a study of the behaviour of on‐line searchers in looking for the answers to set questions. The work was carried out with a view to learning more about the way…


On‐line searching in a research environment

J.P. Colthurst, M.E. Shilling

The introduction of on‐line searching into a research laboratory and its acceptability vis‐a‐vis alternative information sources is discussed. In particular its cost effectiveness…


TECHNICAL BRIEFING: Acceptability of transmission errors in on‐line systems

A.E. Cawkell

The basic reasons for data transmission errors are described and a distinction between baud and bit/s is drawn. Examples of error detection/correction methods are given; in their…




Online date, start – end:

1977 – 1992

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited