Online Review: Volume 7 Issue 1
Table of contents
A new research study from International Data Corporation, of Framingham, Massachusetts, considers some of the problems that may come in the wake of the business microcomputer…
Online information handling — the user perspective
Angela R. Haygarth JacksonIt has been said that a week in politics is a very long time, and equally I suggest that with the changes and developments that take place in online interactive searching, a week…
Comparison study of overlap among 21 scientific databases in searching pesticide information
Daniel E. Meyer, David W. Mehlman, Ellen S. Reeves, Regina B. Origoni, Delores Evans, Douglas W. SellersThe online search activities described here were conducted to provide environmental scientists with literature to use in their review of pesticide chemicals for regulatory…
Quick reference command languages chart
Christine A. WellsIt is not possible to remember more than a few command languages accurately. If a command language is used infrequently it is very easy to forget the commands or make mistakes…
The microcomputer as a training aid for online searching
J.A. Large, C.J. ArmstrongA training package has been developed at the College of Librarianship Wales for online searchers. It operates on a microcomputer and comprises a series of CAL questionnaires and a…