Online Review: Volume 4 Issue 3

Table of contents

Online bibliographic searching and the deprofessionalization of librarianship

Brian Nielsen

The interaction of technological change and a professionalization movement is considered within the context of librarianship and online. In sharp contrast to the theories of…


An analysis of controlled vocabulary and free text search statements in online searches

Karen Markey, Pauline Atherton, Claudia Newton

A series of studies was performed in late 1978 and early 1979 by the ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Resources Special Project staff and consultants to discover how ERIC online…


Development and operation of a database machine for online access and update of a large database

James E. Rush

This paper describes the development of a fault‐tolerant database processor (DBP) system to replace OCLC's conventional file system, which not only improves overall system…


Online information retrieval interface with traditional reference services

Simone Klugman

This paper deals with the interaction of traditional reference work and the new services generated by online information retrieval capabilities. It offers a rationale for…


Influence of unlimited ranking on practical online search strategy

V. Stibic

Ranking of retrieved documents in the descending order of their association with the inquiry has been known in theory for a very long time, but so far it has found only limited…


A simulation model of the ELHILL 3 system of the National Library of Medicine

Donald J. Hillman

The ELHILL 3 system of the National Library of Medicine is one of the world's largest online information retrieval systems, providing access to many different files via MEDLINE…


Search corner: Coal information: how to find it

Charles B. Fears, Marjorie M.K. Hlava

With the increasing emphasis on alternative sources of energy, we are looking towards coal as a long range answer to a major portion of our future energy needs. Information…


Online users survey 1980

Marjorie M.K. Hlava

This survey was done to provide a profile of online users and/or searchers in the United States.


Online user forum

Gerri G. Lawrence

U.S. National Online Circuit. Rebecca Gonzalez (Chicago Online User Group‐COLUG) assumed the chairman's position in June. She took over the leadership from Margie Hlava, President…




Online date, start – end:

1977 – 1992

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited