Online Review: Volume 11 Issue 5
Table of contents
Information Automation Ltd. Information Automation is a small research and consultancy company recently set up in mid‐Wales specialising in all aspects of the information…
A user interface for multiple retrieval systems
Niall Teskey, Malcolm Henry, Sue ChristopherIn this paper we present the results of an experiment to help professional scientists and engineers undertake their own literature searches using a number of the major online…
A comparison of keyword subject searching on six British university Opacs
John AanonsonThe Library catalogues of many British universities are now accessible through the Joint Academic Network (Janet) which was established in 1984. The availability of online public…
Eric and ECER
Steven HirschEric is one of the most frequently‐used databases. Created in 1964 by the Federal Government, Eric contracted various educational and professional organizations to act as…
Xworld: Communications plus word and background processing
Steven BellXworld is a good communications package that is most suitable for users interested in sending and receiving binary files, and to a lesser degree text files, while interacting with…
PTEL: capable file transfer package
Audry GroschThe main purpose of PTEL is to perform transfers of files between computer systems. For this use it is a reliable, well functioning package. PTEL is also able to perform automatic…
Diane WhittakerDatatalk is a communications package designed to facilitate connection to a remote computer either via a modem and telephone line or via a local data link. It is produced by…