Journal of European Industrial Training: Volume 15 Issue 3
Table of contents
Characterising Stress: Part 2. The Emergence and Loosening of Stress Characters
Roger StuartThis is the second of a two‐part article describing acharacterisation of stress based on a stress continuum. Part 1 provideda holistic description of the full range of…
Training for Enterprise
C. Gore, K. MurrayThe attention of trainers is drawn to the implications of some ofthe findings of a survey into perceptions of enterprise among highereducation students which are likely to be of…
Personnel Policy Choice: The Context for Human Resource Development
Patrick GunnigleSenior managements possess considerable discretion in makingchoices on personnel policy. Practice indicates a broad range of choiceon a continuum from high strategic integration…
Preparing Technical Professionals for Cross‐cultural Interactions
Robert T. Moran, Diane L. RichardThe global economy is here to stay. What skills do technicalprofessionals require to meet its demands? How must they interact acrosscultures to be effective? How can their needs…
The DELTA Programme: Towards European Learning Technology
R. BestebreurtjeDuring 1988 the pre‐pilot phase of the European DELTA programmetook place. It is an extensive research and development programme tostimulate advanced learning technology in…