European Journal of Marketing: Volume 49 Issue 7/8


Table of contents

On the relationships among brand experience, hedonic emotions, and brand equity

Cherng G. Ding, Timmy H. Tseng

The purpose of this paper is to further examine the mediation mechanism to account for the influence of brand experience on brand loyalty by integrating the experiential view of…


Origins of marketing thought in Britain

Brian Jones, Mark Tadajewski

The purpose of this paper is to document contributions to the early study and teaching of marketing at one of the first universities in Britain to do so and, in that way, to…


“Passivity”: a model of grocery retail price decision-making practice

Iain Watson, Steve Wood, John Fernie

This paper aims to explore the applied context of grocery retail pricing practice to understand how pricing executives approach “regular price” decision-making (as opposed to…


Accounts of self-gift giving: nature, context and emotions

Teresa Pereira Heath, Caroline Tynan, Christine Ennew

The purpose of this paper is to provide a contextualized view of participants’ accounts of self-gift consumer behaviour (SGCB) throughout the consumption cycle, from the…


Professional sales coaching: an integrative review and research agenda

Vishag Badrinarayanan, Andrea Dixon, Vicki L West, Gail M Zank

The purpose of this paper is to provide an integrative review of coaching research from different contexts (e.g. athletics, executive coaching, project management and sales)…


Focal versus background goals in consumer financial decision-making: Trading off financial returns for self-expression?

Jaakko Aspara, Amitav Chakravarti, Arvid O. I. Hoffmann

This study aims to examine the interplay between focal and background goals in consumer financial decision-making and identify conditions that lead individuals to trade-off…


B2B service brand identity and brand performance: An empirical investigation in the UK’s B2B IT services sector

Darren Andrew Coleman, Leslie de Chernatony, George Christodoulides

This paper aims to apply the business-to-business (B2B) Service Brand Identity (SBI) scale to empirically assess the influence of service brand identity on brand performance for…


The strength of no tie relationship in an online recommendation: Focused on interactional effects of valence, tie strength, and type of service

Dong-Mo Koo

This paper aims to investigate whether the interactional effects of recommendation valence, tie strength and service type produce different effects on attitude and buying…


Are size-zero female models always more effective than average-sized ones?: Depends on brand and self-esteem!

Xuemei Bian, Kai-Yu Wang

The purpose of this paper is to investigate if brand might affect consumers’ response to replacing size-zero models (SM) with average-sized models (AM) in advertising and how…


Unpicking motives to purchase locally-produced food: analysis of direct and moderation effects

Juliet Memery, Robert Angell, Phil Megicks, Adam Lindgreen

This study aims to investigate how attributes associated with local food (intrinsic product quality; local support) motivate purchase behaviour. Previous research assumes…


Idol attachment and human brand loyalty

Yu-An Huang, Chad Lin, Ian Phau

– This paper aims to examine the importance and concept of idol attachment, model its antecedents and moderators and assess its influence on human brand loyalty.


Asymmetric preferences for leaders and implications for followers

Dean Charles Wilkie, Les Johnson, Lesley White

This study aims to examine leader–follower interdependence from a different perspective to learn whether variations in the market leader (ML)’s level of market strength require…

Improving pharmacy store performance: the merits of over-the-counter drugs

Jaap Edo Wieringa, Katrin Christiane Reber, Peter Leeflang

This study aims to increase understanding of the factors that affect retail pharmacy performance. This paper investigates how various product-, store-, customer- and competitor…


Unmanageable multiplicity: consumer transformation towards moral self coherence

Michal J Carrington, Ben Neville, Robin Canniford

This study aims to explore: consumer experiences of intense moral dilemma arising from identity multiplicity conflict, expressed in the marketplace, which demand stark moral…


Buy four get 30% off: how consumers respond to missing a quantity discount

Wen-Hsien Huang, Chun-Ming Yang

This paper aims to examine how consumers evaluate and respond after failing to receive the promotional price for a quantity discount because the minimum purchase requirement…

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  • Prof. Greg Marshall