International Journal of Social Economics: Volume 6 Issue 5


Table of contents

Causes and Effects of Changes in Bank Rate

André Gabor

No issue concerning the Bank Rate could effectively be discussed without constant reference to the complex institutional framework within which it operates. How complex it is can…

The Economics of the Welfare State in Britain

André Gabor

Britain provides an impressive array of completely or partly subsidised services, certain selections of which are often referred to under the name of the Welfare State. Whether…

Neo‐Marxian Social Accounting

André Gabor

The purpose of this paper is to discuss a recent Russian publication which appears to be of interest both to students of Marxian theory and to observers of economic development in…

Comparative Growth Rates: A Note

André Gabor

During Stalin's lifetime and even for some years after his death in 1953, in fact until Khrushchev's denunciation of “Stalinism” in a secret session of the Soviet Communist Party…

Comparative Growth Rates: A Rejoinder

André Gabor

Mr Dobb is quite right: I think than an arithmetical example can prove something, namely, that a certain hypothesis is of no general validity and this is what I have demonstrated…

The State of Economic Research in the Soviet Union

André Gabor

Western economists have for long been under the impression that research into economic problems is stagnating in the Soviet Union. This view is now confirmed by the address which…

A New Approach to the Theory of the Firm

André Gabor, I.F. Pearce

If the volume of current writing on the subject can be accepted as evidence, it is clear that economists are becoming increasingly concerned by the fact that business men do not…

The Place of Money Capital in the Theory of Production

André Gabor, I.F. Pearce

I. Outline of the problem of capital and of the need to reconcile its treatment by Austrian and neo‐classical theorists, as also to establish a link between economics and…

The Role of Price in Investment Decisions

André Gabor

The time when the role of marketing was regarded merely as that of selling whatever the works thought right to produce is in the past. Whether under the fashionable name of…

An Essay on the Mathematical Theory of Freedom

Dennis, André Gabor

That part of human behaviour which is not rigidly determined by external constraints can be considered as a sequence of more or less free choices. One can talk of a choice only if

Freedom and Utility

André Gabor

The problem of freedom has been a favourite topic of philosophers of all ages, but there appears to be a definite limit beyond which their speculation cannot go. In fact, they…

The Concept of Statistical Freedom and Its Application to Social Mobility

André Gabor

The essence of freedom consists in the absence of restraint, and an election or any other concrete instance of choosing is generally deemed to have been free if each voter had an…

The Application of Entropy to the Measurement of Social and Economic Freedom

Dennis, André Gabor

This study was inspired by the concept of entropy as applied to the measurement of the extent of information in the communication theory of Wiener and Shannon. Like its precursor…

The Measurement of Freedom

André Gabor

Philosophers and political theorists have presented us with a dazzling variety of views on freedom but, after more than two thousand years of discussion, general agreement as to…

On Measuring Utility

André Gabor, Stanley F. James

While it is true that in a considerable part of economic analysis the concept of cardinal utility can be dispensed with, the tenet that utility is intrinsically non‐measurable is…

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  • Professor Terence Garrett