International Journal of Social Economics: Volume 40 Issue 12


Table of contents

Do governance factors matter for happiness in the MENA region?

Hassan Gholipour Fereidouni, Youhanna Najdi, Reza Ekhtiari Amiri

Unhappiness has been recognized as one of the main factors that cause political unrest in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region in recent years. The purpose of this study…


Determinants of occupational choice of workers in the handloom industry in Assam

Alin Borah Bortamuly, Kishor Goswami, Bhabesh Hazarika

The purpose of this paper is to focus on the determinants of occupational choice of workers in the handloom industry in Assam and to examine the variables that influence the…

Difficulties of integrating older workers into the labor market: exploring the Israeli labor market

Hila Axelrad, Israel Luski, Malul Miki

The purpose of this article is to examine the existence of biased stereotypes about older workers. What are the economic implications of such biased stereotypes? Finally, what…

Does son preference pay-off for the ailing and elderly in rural India?

Sharmistha Self

The purpose of this paper is to take a close look at factors that influence the choice and quality of healthcare received by ailing and elderly people in rural north India. The…

Determinants of rural people to join cooperatives in Northern Ethiopia

Woldegebrial Zeweld Nugusse, Guido Van Huylenbroeck, Jeroen Buysse

There are many farmers in rural Ethiopia, who do not join cooperative societies, despite the different technical and financial supports from the government. This study thus aims…


Can social justice, economic redistribution and voluntariness fit into a single conception of liberty?: Pettit versus Hobhouse

Maria Dimova-Cookson

The paper aims to examine and compare two understandings of liberty that have dealt successfully with the normative and analytical challenge of reconciling liberty with social…

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  • Professor Terence Garrett