International Journal of Social Economics: Volume 25 Issue 11/12


Table of contents

CONSUMPTION‐John Paul II, Catholic social thought and the ethics of consumption

Charles K. Wilber

In this essay, the author identifies three reasons why consumption, or more precisely excessive consumption, is emphasized in Catholic social thought including most recently John…


DISTRIBUTION ‐ The encyclicals and rights to distributions in contract‐ and status‐based economies

Patrick J. Welch

The encyclicals of Popes John Paul II, Pius XI and Leo XIII affirm people’s rights to distributions, and the responsibility of those who are able to care for the poor. These…


WORK AS SUCH ‐ The social teaching of the Church on human work

Giuseppe Gaburro, Giancarlo Cressotti

Traditionally, one of the most central themes of the social teaching of the Church has been the ethical value of the human person as a creature endowed with an original…

Man and work according to the social doctrine of the Church, particularly in the thought of John Paul II

Giovanni Tondini

In this essay, the author explores John Paul II’s thought on human work, and argues that, just as the Jesuit Henrich Pesch and members of his study group contributed directly to…

Christianity, John Paul II and the future of work

Jon D. Wisman

Although the Catholic Church has rarely throughout its long history taken stances on socio‐economic issues that might be characterized as socially progressive, its view of work…

LEISURE ‐ Leisure in the economic thought of John Paul II

Gerard Stockhausen

In the thought of John Paul II, an accurate understanding of the human person includes the relationship of economic life to full human life. Just as human work is essential to…


LABOR ‐ Labor mobility and social wellbeing under international capitalism

John J. Piderit

In his economic writings John Paul II asserts the importance of placing the human person at the center of deliberations concerning the economy. Neoclassical economists show that…

Establishing the priority of labor

G. Paul Peterson, James A. Buss

Pope John Paul II and the social teachings of the Catholic Church emphasize that labor should not be treated as an instrument in the production process. Rather justice requires…


Papal pronouncements on labor unions and workplace democracy

Gladys W. Gruenberg

The author traces over a century of Catholic social teaching from Leo XIII to John Paul II, emphasizing in particular workplace democracy and labor unions. Until John Paul II…

DEVELOPMENT ‐ Principles for integral human development in Sollicitudo Rei Socialis

Barbara Kraemer

John Paul II’s encyclical, Sollicitudo Rei Socialis, written 20 years after Paul VI’s encyclical Populorum Progressio on development, reiterates principles of that letter and…


Justice and international development from Mater et Magistra to Centesimus Annus

Kishor Thanawala

To understand John Paul II’s vision of the social economy, it is important to put his writings in a historical perspective. This essay offers a brief survey of Catholic social…

John Paul II’s vision of the social economy from an urban perspective

Charles E. Zech

Pope John Paul II has been a prolific writer on social economic issues. In particular, three encyclicals, Laborem Exercens, Sollicitudo Rei Socialis and Centesimus Annus directly…


John Paul II’s vision of the role of multinational enterprise expansion in building the social economy

Anthony Scaperlanda

This essay uses three of Pope John Paul II’s encyclicals, Laborem Exercens, Sollicitudo Rei Socialis, and Centesimus Annus to articulate principles that may be useful in…


MARKET ECONOMY ‐ John Paul II’s passage to the market economy

Arnold McKee

This essay develops four points. First, two basic reasons led to John Paul II’s advocacy of the market economy in Centesimus Annus ‐ the creativity of labour, and the failures of…


ECONOMICS AS A DISCIPLINE ‐ The crossroads between John Paul II’s social vision and conservative economic thought

Maryann O. Keating, Barry P. Keating

John Paul II’s vision of the social economy provides moral guidance to those seeking it. At the same time, it provokes market oriented free enterprise economists by its apparent…

Does economics have an ethical component?

Henry C. Mayer

This essay raises the following question “Does economics have an ethical component?”. In this regard, Mayer finds that two distinct perspectives have unique and continuing…


Beyond Pareto optima, efficiency and the “free market”

Thomas O. Nitsch

The author in this essay surrounds John Paul II with professional economists from the past and the present, such as Taussig, Keynes, Richard and Peggy Musgrave, and Stiglitz, all…

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  • Professor Terence Garrett