International Journal of Social Economics: Volume 23 Issue 10/11


Table of contents

Catholic social teaching and the changing world economic order

Kishor Thanawala

Notes that the 1991 Papal Encyclical, Centesimus Annus, emphasizes the role of justice in the economic and social order of the global economy and that it calls for effective…


Ten years on: an appraisal of New Zealand’s economic restructuring 1984‐1994

Srikanta Chatterjee

Assesses and appraises New Zealand’s economic restructuring between 1984 and 1994. Provides an historical overview of the country’s economic performance and looks at past…


Incentive model designed for macro‐economy management system in China

Lei Ming

Introduces incentive strategy as a market‐oriented and highly efficient macro‐economy management system (MEMS). By means of the hierarchical decision‐making theory and the…


Reform of the Russian economy: the role of institutions

Michael D. Intriligator

Written in January 1994, discusses the reform of the Russian economy, its severe economic decline, and how the transition to a market economy might be realized. Emphasizes the…


Transformation process and the J‐curve problem

Helmut Wagner

Notes that most of the reforms in Eastern European countries have been piecemeal and have not constituted a comprehensive programme. Describes what a comprehensive programme…


Stabilization in post‐socialist countries: Lessons from exchange rate based stabilization in Argentina

Rainer Schweickert

Notes that macro‐economic policy faces the same challenges in both developing and post‐socialist economies: to reduce inflation while achieving or maintaining stable economic…


Crisis in capitalist welfare programmes: A case study of Kansas job opportunities and basic skills programme

Robert L. Gustavson

Examines the Kansas job opportunities and basic skills programme to analyse why education and training programmes fail to reduce poverty and promote self‐reliance for programme…


Welfare and markets in passenger transport

Kjell Jansson

Notes that privatization and deregulation are concepts used frequently over the last decade, also in the transport context. Discusses the meaning and relevance of these concepts…


The socio‐economic restructuring of a post‐apartheid South Africa

John M. Luiz

Points out that it would be naïve to believe that democracy in itself will solve all South Africa’s problems. Also that the legacy of apartheid lives on and will continue to do so…


Impact of “Europe agreements” on FDI in developing countries

Jamuna Prasad Agarwal

Argues that the association of Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Czech and Slovak Republics (CEECs) with the European Union (EU) under “Europe agreements” is unlikely to divert…


Paths of economic development: modelling factors of endogenous growth

Angelo Fusari

Sets out a model giving an interpretation of the engine of economic development and growth, and business cycle. Based on a peculiar concept of dynamic competition, explains…


The internationalization of the yen: with an emphasis on East Asia

Toru Iwami, Kiyotaka Sato

Discusses the possibility of an international monetary system composed of the US dollar, the German deutschmark and the yen as an alternative to the system based solely on the US…


A comparison of labour market performance in central Asian and European republics of the former Soviet Union 1989‐1992

Ruth Klinov

Notes that in most of the republics of the former USSR transition to a market economy is accompanied by a rise in unemployment and stagnation in job creation, but the degree to…


Capital accumulation under a pay‐as‐you‐go social security: The influence of labour growth

Michael Bräuninger

Deals with the influence of the labour growth rate on the capital per head in an economy with a pay‐as‐you‐go social security. Carries out the analysis within an overlapping…


Public expenditure rate and economic growth

Marjan Senjur

All post‐socialist countries began the transition process towards a market economy with very high shares of public expenditures in their gross domestic product. The policy…


A roller coaster of reliance: Government dependence on the NFP sector from the colonies to Clinton

Santo D. Marabella, James P. West

Examines the “roller coaster of reliance” of the US government sector on the voluntary sector from colonial times to the present. Emphasizes the question of how this roller…


On “relational goods”: strategic implications of investment in relationships

Benedetto Gui

Discusses the concept of “relational goods”, defined as intangible capital assets that inhere in enduring interpersonal relationships and provide both intrinsic and instrumental…


Transformation crisis in post‐socialist countries: patterns and causes

Ryszard Zukowski

Discusses the literature on the inter‐country differences in the pattern and magnitude of the transformation crisis in post‐socialist coutries. Describes and analyses the stylized…


Bottom‐up transformation: prerequisites, scope and impediments

Horst Brezinski, Michael Fritsch

Looks at problems and experiences of the so‐called “bottom‐up” transformation of the post‐socialist countries of Eastern Europe. Bottom‐ up transformation stands for the change of…


Transitional paradigms to a new world economic order

Peter Calkins, Marc Vézina

Discusses the meaning of the term new world order (NWO) and defines its economic dimensions. Identifies three common principles of any workable NWO: material, social and spiritual…


Shortages, interest rates and money demand in Poland, 1969‐1993

Erwin Nijsse, Elmer Sterken

Applies a modified Keynesian money demand function to household money demand in Poland from 1969 to 1993. Co‐integration between the demand for broad money, income and shortage…

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  • Professor Terence Garrett