International Journal of Social Economics: Volume 21 Issue 2/3/4


Table of contents

Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn and the Evils of Soviet Communism

John Conway O’Brien

Solzhenitsyn, former Zek and Nobel Laureate, found the causes of thecruelty of which the Communists were capable to lie in theMarxist‐Leninist ideology. The atheistic Communists…


Gnosticism, the Dream Economy and the Prospects for Communism

Leslie Armour

Time has run out for the “Vanguard Party”, but the growing disparity inwealth between the industrialized world and the less‐developed world andgrowing problems of income…


Ayn Rand versus Karl Marx

Tibor R. Machan

What sets Rand apart from other critics of Marx is that she is aphilosophical/ethical/ political individualist who rejects the claim byMarx that “The human essence is the true…


What Remains of Communism Now?

Tibor R. Machan

Some claim Marx was proved wrong by the collapse of the USSR but thereis reason to think Marxism is more powerful than this view assumes. Forexample, the USSR never satisfied…


After “The Darkness at Noon”: A Biographical Study of Marxism as Critical Theory

Thomas M. Jeannot

Rethinking Marxism after the Cold War includes the task ofreconstructing its genesis, beginning with the role of left Hegelianismin Marx′s development of historical materialism…


The Current Crisis in the Former Soviet Union and the Perspectives of Its Resolution

Ernest Raiklin

Gives a brief account of what has happened, what is happening and whatis going to happen in the country formerly called the Soviet Union.Analyses the socio‐economic nature of the…


The Role of the Law of Value in the Rise and Fall of Socialism in the USSR

Tomas J.F. Riha

The law of value performs its regulatory function in the capitalistsystem where the private ownership of means of production and commodityproduction prevail. Under the centrally…

The Political Philosophy of James Burnham

Daniel J. O’Neil

Examines the political philosophy of James Burnham (1905‐87) andattempts to place him within the context of American conservatism.Focuses on his methodology, view of human nature…

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  • Professor Terence Garrett