International Journal of Social Economics: Volume 19 Issue 10/11/12


Table of contents

Introduction: A Tribute to a Teacher and Scholar Extraordinaire

John Conway O'Brien

John E. Elliott has been a professor of economics at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles since 1956 when he graduated from Harvard University with a doctorate in…

Oppression, Exploitation and Injustice in the Old Testament: The View from Liberation Theology

John E. Elliott

Illustrates and explicates the proposition that the critique of exploitationand injustice found in contemporary Liberation Theology is theologicallygrounded, in that these…

Alfred Marshall on the Structural and Behavioural Properties of Social Institutions

Hans E. Jensen

Makes and attempts to substantiate, the following claims: It wasMarshall′s objective to show how poverty could be ameliorated. Helocated the causes of poverty in the institutions…

Natural Morality and the Ideal Impartial Spectator in Adam Smith

Jeffrey T. Young

In the Theory of Modern Sentiments Smith distinguishes between theactual impartial spectator and the ideal; the man within the breast– a mechanism that allows Smith to extend the…

History versus Equilibrium: Joan Robinson on Teaching Economics

Zohreh Emami

Argues that Joan Robinson′s interest in teaching and her students wasinherently connected to her views on the nature, scope andmethodology of economics. More specifically, like…


John Locke's Political Economy of Masculinity

Mark E. Kann

John Locke′s political economy lends itself to conservative, liberal andradical interpretations that frame the conceptual ambiguities that stillshape our debates over government′s…

Walter Eucken: Social Economist

Siegfried G. Karsten

Eucken′s paradigm of a “social market economy” provides a frameworkfor a functional free‐market mechanism, which not only accommodatesdevelopment and change, but which also…


Schmoller's Political Economy: Self‐interest versus the Higher Law

John Conway O'Brien

Schmoller reserves his admiration for those entrepreneurs whosucceeded in the acquisition of wealth but whose primary goal wasthe promotion of the public interest. Such…

Keynes on the Socialization of Investment

John B. Davis

Explores Keynes′s long‐term policy proposals as social reform. Usingearly unpublished philosophical papers of Keynes, the argument is thatKeynes′s long‐term policy proposals…


The Political Economy of Left and Right During China's Decade of Reform

Peter M. Lichtenstein

During the decade of the 1980s, the design and implementation ofeconomic reforms had divided the Chinese leadership into two factions:conservative proponents of moderation and…

Microeconomic Efficiency and Macroeconomic Policy Effectiveness in China's Transformation Phase

Clem A. Tisdell

In its economic transformation and microeconomic reform, China isusing two‐tiered price systems. These combine an administrative anda free market element and can achieve Paretian…

Implications of Post‐war Japanese Industrialization: Government Intervention and Market Competition

Tatsuya Ohmori

During the 1950s and 1960s the Japanese government promotedindustrial organization in the form of a “competitive oligopoly” andfostered the institutionalizing of the strong…


A Comparative Analysis of Selected Economic Methodologies: Praxeology, Positivism and Institutionalism

Lewis E. Hill

Explicates and analyses selected economic methodologies: praxeology,positivism and institutionalism. Praxeology is a rationalisticmethodology which utilizes deductive logic to…

A Veblenian View of Minsky's Financial Crisis Theory

Patrick R. Kelso, Barry L. Duman

Compares and contrasts the views of Hyman P. Minsky and ThorsteinVeblen concerning the systematic development of financial crises incapitalistic economies. Advances the argument…

Mechanistic Physiology and Institutional Economics: Jacques Loeb and Thorstein Veblen

Charles T. Rasmussen, Rick Tilman

Discusses the correspondence and use of each other′s ideas of Loeband Veblen which are seen to be significant both in understanding theevolution of their own thought and as…

Culture Evolution and the Process of Economic Evolution

Richard L. Brinkman

Essays a conceptural clarification and theory of the process of economicevolution. Using the Veblenian matrix, conceptualizes the economicprocess in the framework of culture and…

On Trusts and Technostructures: Veblen, Berle and Means, and Galbraith

Malcolm Rutherford

Discusses and analyses Veblen′s views on corporate ownership andcontrol and on the risk of a professional managerial class of engineersand experts. Veblen′s views are compared…

Capital‐Labour Tensions and Liberal Economic Thought

Jon D. Wisman

It was typical in nineteenth century economic thought to view thetensions between the interests of capital and labour as critical toindustrial society. Yet later economic thought…

Equal Pay vs. Equal Job Opportunity for Women: The Debate in Great Britain from 1891 to 1923

James P. Henderson

Examines the debate (1891‐1923) concerning whether women shouldreceive equal pay for equal work and whether they should have equalemployment opportunities. Addresses the issues…

Exploitation and International Development

Kishor Thanawala

Discusses the Dymski and Elliott scheme of meanings of exploitationin the context of workers and owners of capital within a country asextended (with some variations) to a…

Inter‐firm and Supra‐firm Co‐operation in the Workplace and the Marketplace

Edward J. O'Boyle

Examines inter‐firm and supra‐firm co‐operation both in principle andin practice. Five cases are presented as examples of inter‐firm or supra‐firmco‐operation in the workplace or…

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  • Professor Terence Garrett