International Journal of Social Economics: Volume 14 Issue 7/8/9


Table of contents

Concerning Winters of Discontent: Does Methodology or Rhetoric Contain the Answer to a Possible Malaise?

Mark Perlman

There is a German legend concerning the Tausendfuss (only somewhat less hyperbolised in English as the centipede). Although not exactly swift, the Tausendfuss does get around. How…

Marshallian Methodology

E.F. Beach

The sudden evaporation of Alfred Marshall's enormous prestige is a phenomenon that deserves more attention than it has received. During his lifetime, his pre‐eminence was greater…

Equilibrium in Walras's and Marx's Theories of Capital Accumulation

Roy J. Rotheim

As these essays are in honor of Professor Anghel Rugina, I begin with a quote from his recent essay on Walras (1982, p. 4):

Solitude and Solidarity in the Just Society: A Reappraisal of Marx's Vision

Barry S. Clark

That these two passages can appear in the same work, separated by only two paragraphs, confirms a tension latent in Marxian thought. After offering an appealing vision of a…

Theories of Liberal Capitalist Democracy: Alternative Perspectives

John E. Elliott, Joanna V. Scott

This article examines relationships between capitalism and democracy as perceived by contending perspectives within the liberal capitalist‐liberal democratic tradition(s). Bentham…

Human Interests, Modes of Rationality and the Social Foundations of Economic Science

Jon D. Wisman

Modern economics, because of its instrumental orientation and its adherence to positivistic canons of science, suffers from two pernicious illusions. The first is that the…

On Intercepting the Flow of Ideas: An Economic Analysis

Juergen Backhaus

Context and Relevance Censorship conjures images of despotic governments strangulating the expression of political convictions. Censorship is the violation of a basic human right…

The Need for Voluntary Consensus Systems in Setting Socio‐Economic Standards

Charles Collazzo

As civilisations become more advanced and complex from an economic perspective, the need to integrate and co‐ordinate human behaviour and institutions becomes more acute. The…

Worker Self‐Management and Economic Reform in Poland

Thomas Hyclak

Since the post‐Stalin thaw of the mid‐1950s, economic reform has been a constant theme in academic discussion and policy implementation in the countries of Eastern Europe. In…

Thorstein Veblen and Piero Sraffa: A New Level of Economic Theory

Robert A. Griffin

Economic theories are integrally related to the social and historical processes from which they emerge. They evolve from, reflect, and seek to communicate explanations of the…

The History of Neo‐Liberalism: Affinity to Some Developments in Economics in Germany

Gerrit Meijer

In his work Dr Rugina mentions several times his affinity and indebtedness to the German economist, Walter Eucken (1891–1950). He does so most outspokenly in the following…

The Life and Works of Tullio Bagiotti (1921–1983)

Aldo Montesano

My duty in remembering the life and works of Tullio Bagiotti and in discussing his thought is justified for several reasons. I succeeded Bagiotti both in the chair of Political…

The Third Revolution in Economic Thinking: Social Economy in a New Perspective

Giuseppe Eusepi

Why do we need a third revolution in economics? As a starting point it must be noticed that every school has its own methodology and ideology. Its characteristic is to deal with…

Angelo Messedaglia on Money and the Nineteenth Century Italian Economic School

Anna Pellanda

This article on Messedaglia might start with Schumpeter's words: “I have chosen him for mention because of the strategic position he holds in the history of Italian economics and…

Founders of Modern Economic Thought in Italy

Massimo Finoia

The founders of modern economic thought in Italy are Francesco Ferrara (1810–1900), Luigi Cossa (1831–1896) and Angelo Messedaglia (1820–1901).

International Income Inequality and per capita Income Rates of Growth: A Cross‐Section Analysis

Stylianos A. Sarantides

The purpose of this article is to investigate the problem of international income inequality and the growth rates of different income classes. The Myrdal thesis of the cumulative…

Keynesianism and Stagflation

Lazaros Houmanidis

Keynes, with his heretical contribution to the family of the neo‐classics, was as profound as the heresies of Luther against the Pope. He accepted the institution of profit…

Twentieth Century Greek Economists and the Quantity Theory of Money

Anastasios D. Karayiannis

The revival of the quantity theory of money which was advanced by M. Friedman and the Chicago School in the 1960s led me to an investigation of the contributions of Greek…

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  • Professor Terence Garrett