Circuit World: Volume 14 Issue 4


Table of contents

Restrictions on the Use of Chlorofluorocarbons for Cleaning Soldered PCBs

C. Lea

The flux residues on almost all soldered printed circuit boards are removed using the chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) 113. In just one year's time production of this solvent will almost…

Designing Electronics for Automated Inspection

D. Thompson, T. Stroebel

Electronic packaging technologies, such as pin grid arrays, increasingly small pitch surface mount, and double‐sided assemblies are all aimed towards the highest possible product…

Improved Photoresist Technology Available in Europe

B.L. Newport

Major trends in the PWB industry and the requirements from the manufacturers to reduce reject rates at the imaging and chemical process stages have demanded a new generation of…

A Correlation between Surface Insulation Resistance and Solvent Extract Conductivity Cleanliness Tests

A.S.L. Chan, T.A. Shankoff

Bellcore has two generic physical design criteria for telecommunications product cleanliness. Residual insoluble contamination levels are monitored by surface insulation testing…

New Methods of Surface Area Measurement and Current Density Control in PCB Manufacture

G.D.M. Menzies

New methods of surface area measurement by electrolytic means have been introduced into the UK by PMD Chemicals Ltd of Coventry. Two instruments, known as the DIM and MIM systems…

Some Factors Affecting Leadless Chip Carrier Solder Joint Fatigue Life II

R.N. Wild

This paper reviews some continuing IBM study efforts conducted on surface mounted Leadless Chip Carrier (LCC) packaging for use in high density, high thermal stress military…

Solderability and Surface Mounting

J.A. DeVore

In the last decade through‐hole mounting to printed wiring boards has matured and people now have the tools to diagnose and correct any solderability problems which might arise…

The French Printed Circuit Industry

B. Bismuth

This study of the contemporary printed circuit market in France has been undertaken from a new standpoint, using a more appropriate methodology. It seeks to determine the factors…

Cleaning Alternatives for the 1990s

D.A. Elliott

In August 1987, the EPA held a conference in Washington DC with consultants and users from the electronics industry to determine the feasibility of practical cleaning alternatives…

The Detection of Ionic Contamination under SM Components

B.N. Ellis

In view of the uncertainty of the applicability of traditional ionic contamination measurement to surface mount assemblies, a mathematical study was made of the phenomena…

BPA (Technology & Management), Dorking, Surrey, England

Through Circuit World's regular attendance at electronics‐related events worldwide, the faces of several of BPA's ‘personalities’ have over the years become very familiar…

Exhibition Focus

[Editor's comment: In the event that readers may feel that undue emphasis has been given to the reporting of exhibitions in this issue, it should be pointed out that this is not…

IIT News

Over the past year in particular, ICT courses have been going from strength to strength, with ever increasing attendance and interest in the topical subject areas offered.

International Institute News

The Second Brazilian Printed Circuit Association Seminar will take place in Rio de Janeiro from 21–23 September 1988. Papers will be presented on the following topics:

Industry News

TDS Circuits plc, the Blackburn based high‐technology manufacturer of multilayer printed circuit boards, has made two new senior management appointments. John W. Whybrow has been…

New Products

To meet the ever increasing quality standard set by the manufacturers of multilayer printed circuit boards, IMASA, in association with Enthone Inc. USA, has further developed the…

Cover of Circuit World







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  • Associate Professor Pooya Davari