VINE: Volume 29 Issue 2
Table of contents
Integrated Library Management Systems: overview
John Akeroyd, Andrew CoxIn this article we review the development of Integrated Library Management Systems, and look at some broad trends in their development. More and more core functions and special…
The INNOPAC library system at the University of Hull
Diane LeesonThe article reviews the INNOPAC system at Hull, describing various features of the modules used there with general information on system administration and performance. The…
DS Galaxy 2000 at Birmingham
Mandy NearyA review of Birmingham Public Libraries' installation of DS Galaxy 2000.
Heritage IV: new system installation at Central School of Speech and Drama
J. Adam EdwardsCentral School of Speech and Drama is an HEFCE funded specialist theatre college in north London. The move to a new library in the summer of 1997 gave us the space and the network…
Aurora at the Royal Blind Society of New South Wales
Barbara FewtrellThe Royal Blind Society of New South Wales is a registered charity serving the needs of blind and vision impaired people throughout Australia. As a library for the blind RBS…
ALEPH 500 at King's College London
Peter Sudell, Margaret RobinsonThe article starts by describing the procurement process for a Library Management System at Kings College, London. The library chose Aleph 500 (version 11.4), the system and the…
National electronic Library for Health
Muir GrayThe National eletronic Library for Health (NeLH) is to write a new knowledge service for patients and clinicians. This article describes the background to NeLH in Information for…
New Millennium Library & SMART Community Virtual Connected Community Network (VCCNetwork) Community Digital Nervous System — connecting Canadians
C.K. Tan, Doug HullLibraries and other public access points need technologies to enable people to effectively find information, communicate with it and conduct transactions (particularly on a local…