VINE: Volume 27 Issue 2


Table of contents

Information technology and disabled learners: an overview — maintaining access

Tom Vincent MBE

The past two decades have seen major developments in information technologies which have led to the production of many devices, including computers, that are being used for a wide…

Dyslexia, IT and related support in libraries

Ted Pottage

This article attempts to explain some of the features of dyslexia and the problems that may arise for dyslexic library users. It then suggests how these problems can be addressed.

Information services for disabled people: Gateshead MBC Libraries and Arts Service

Stephen Walters

Gateshead MBC's Libraries and Arts Service has developed new services and participated in a range of innovative projects with the aim of improving access to services for all the…

Face to Face: videophones and equality of access to information for deaf people in Cheshire

Jill Nixon, Anne Parker

Jill Nixon begins by describing a project to exploit new techniques to provide equal access to information services for people with hearing disabilities, comparing the use of…

TESTLAB — Testing Electronic Systems using Telematics for Library Access for the Blind: a project under the TAP Libraries Programme

Richard N. Tucker

Even with all the production of alternative format books visually handicapped readers can only access about 1% of everything that is published. The TESTLAB project sets out to…

The reading washing machine

Paul Porter

This article looks at the impact of technology on visually impaired people and library access facilities. Between 1989 and 1994, Paul Porter was in charge of the Resource Unit for…

Public library access for the blind and visually impaired

Cathy Anne Murtha

This brief article outlines the various services that public libraries can offer to open up access to the blind and visually impaired, including providing email support, Internet…

Universal access, by design

Mark Kerr

This article offers some much needed practical and technical HTML design suggestions for making Web sites accessible to all users. While the focus of the article is largely on…

The Disability Discrimination Act 1995

Disability Policy Division

The Disability Discrimination Act means that disabled people have new rights in employment and when accessing goods, facilities and services. Libraries need to consider whether…


Informed choice — the pleasures and pitfalls of system selection in a special library

David Smith

Entering the market place of library automation can be bewildering, even for the most technologically aware librarian or information manager. This is even more daunting in smaller…



Online date, start – end:

1971 – 2015

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited