VINE: Volume 26 Issue 2
Table of contents
Decision support systems: an overview
Roy AdamsThe pressure on libraries to deliver defined services to a high level of efficiency have never been greater. Libraries are feeling the impact of increased use, restricted…
DECIDE: decision support models and a DSS for European academic and public libraries
Robert DaviesIn this article Robert Davies outlines the aims of the European Commission supported Project DECIDE. He describes the Project stages, analyses the work to date — the activities…
The DECIMAL Project: decision‐making and decision support in small to medium size libraries
Tony Oulton, Shelagh Fisher, Siân Lambert, Jonathan WillsonThe aim of the DECIMAL Project is to produce an integrated Decision Support Module for library management systems. This is being developed from an assessment of the needs and…
EQLIPSE: Evaluation and Quality in Library Performance: System for Europe
Peter Brophy, Peter WynneThe authors locate the EQLIPSE Project in the context of the growing interest in the application of performance measurement and quality assurance techniques to libraries. The…
MINSTREL — management information made simple?
Jim Burton, Roy Adams, Andy BrayMINSTREL stands for ‘Management Information Software Tool — Research in Libraries’. The aim of the Project is to develop software which will enable librarians at all levels of…
A decision support tool for information acquisition
Steve BrownIncreasingly, librarians are being offered the same information from a range of different sources and through a variety of different delivery channels. Many Journal titles, for…
Estimating non‐market costs in providing information services: developing an economic model
Sally Wright, Mike GollopThe ‘holdings versus access’ dilemma encouraged the University of Leeds Library to undertake a project to compare the costs of periodical subscription and inter‐library lending…
Electronic information and document delivery: final report on the pilot trial of the Uncover database
Penny DadeThe University of Hertfordshire's decision to move, “from a holdings strategy to an access strategy” (Review of Library and Media Services 21–22, May 1992), for its research and…
COBISS: Cooperative Online Bibliographic System and Services
Marta SeljakCOBISS started in 1987 with a project on an online shared cataloguing system on a former Yugoslav federal level. It is developed and maintained by the Institute of Information…