VINE: Volume 22 Issue 2
Table of contents
Serials Control Systems: an overview
Love them or hate them, and few people are indifferent, serials systems are an increasingly important aspect of library automation. For a long time the Cinderella of automated…
Microlinx: the Faxon Serials Management System
Marion Shields, Hazel WoodwardAfter several years of in‐house development to meet its needs for automated serials control, cuts in staff and resources led Loughborough University to look to…
Financial Records for Serials Using DataEase
Derek StephenA move from a global Library periodicals fund to departmental budget allocations caused Heriot‐Watt University Library to look for greater sophistication in financial recording…
Serials Control at the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
Serials control at the Eindhoven University of Technology is catered for by the use of the serials module of VUBIS, an integrated housekeeping package with a large number of…
Of Wonderland and Headless Chickens…
An Australian newcomer to the marketplace, Alice offers a comprehensive and easy‐to‐use range of facilities for the school or college library. The system is PC‐based and can…