VINE: Volume 22 Issue 1
Table of contents
Community Information:: an overview
Intuitively, most people have a mental picture of community information systems, generally conforming to the vision of those services provided so well for so many years by the…
CINDEX Online: Geac CIS in Camden
David HayesCamden rejected a viewdata solution to user information needs as being too highly structured in its approach and instead opted for a customised version of Geac's new Community…
Manchester Host
As well as providing information of direct value to the community and voluntary sector, the scope of community information is widened by a number of additional services such as…
The ‘Bibliographic Control’ of Learning Opportunities
John AllredIncreasingly, information about a wide range of learning opportunities is being made available on public access computer systems. Allred argues the case for bibliographic‐type…
Double Dutch Part I: IPA (Information Project Almelo)
A videotex‐based community information project was instigated in 1988 in the town of Almelo in the Netherlands. The aim was to provide an efficient and relevant system to be…
Double DutchPart II: AGI (Actuele Groningen Informatie)
One of several videotex‐based community information systems in Holland, AGI has been operating successfully for the past three years and is gradually expanding its services to the…
Volnet UK
Describes a central database host providing individuals and institutions with low‐cost access to information of importance to those working in the community or voluntary sector…
Local Authority Videotex Association (LAVA): HUMAN INFORMATION NETWORKS II SEMINAR
LAVA and the Municipal Journal Jointly organised a seminar on public information provision in the 1990s at the Swallow Hotel in Solihull. The seminar was held to coincide with the…