VINE: Volume 18 Issue 3
Table of contents
CD‐CAT: catalogue output on CD‐ROM
Many libraries have expressed an interest in the possibility of using CD‐ROM to provide an interactive public access catalogue, as an alternative to fiche‐based products and to…
Subject Searching on OPACs: a General Survey of Facilities available on OPACS in Academic Libraries in the UK
Fran SlackThe introduction of online public access catalogues (OPACs) has been one of the most rapid developments in library and information work in this decade. Since the early 1980s the…
A system for college and smaller libraries: LIBRA
This article and the following one on LIBRARIAN contain product descriptions of two systems not previously covered in VINE, LIBRA from Emtek Computers and LIBRARIAN from Eurotec…
Librarian: an overview
Eurotec is a software and consultancy firm providing products for markets other than the library market, notably a system for barristers and an electronic mail system. The library…
CATS at Newcastle University
Stephanie Barber, Elizabeth HarbordNewcastle University Library has been using OCLC's LS/2000 for cataloguing and an OPAC since March 1985. To provide greater network access to the OPAC, it was decided in 1987 to…
Project Jupiter is launched
Project Jupiter is a UGC funded project sponsored by the JANET User Group for Libraries and managed by Glasgow University Library. It has its background in the UGC's major…