Journal of Business Strategy: Volume 13 Issue 3


Table of contents

Learning from the Best Leads to Superior Performance

Robert C. Camp

Benchmarking, an approach for establishing operating goals and productivity projects based on best‐industry practices, is perhaps the most exciting new tool in the quality field…


The Link Between Benchmarking and Shareholder Value

Jeffrey A. Schmidt

Today, a growing number of companies are following the lead of their premier competitors and of world‐class companies as a result of insights gained from benchmarking. This…

How to Implement Competitive‐Cost Benchmarking

Alex Markin

Competitive‐cost benchmarking is an action‐oriented tool that enables companies to quantify how their performance and costs compare against competitors, understand why their…

Benchmarking for Strategic Action

Kenneth Jennings, Frederick Westfall

Strategy as a means to attain competitive advantage has evolved rapidly over the last 30 years. Today, it is a dominant lever available to management to implement competitive…

Get Middle Managers Involved in the Planning Process

Ronald L. Nichol

The role of the strategist is changing from a strictly planning position to that of a craftsman, building new or enhanced capabilities to achieve new competitive advantages. To…

Prototyping: A Key to Managing Product Development

Dan Droz

The notion of working together in teams is like motherhood; everybody loves the idea. The benefits of team‐based product development, which have been well documented in numerous…

Creating Market Economies Within Companies

Jason Magidson, Andrew E. Polcha

In December 1991, General Motors Corp. announced that it would lay off 74,000 employees. The same month, The New York Times reported that Xerox Corp., Eastman Kodak Co., IBM…

Marketing the By‐Products of Development Programs

Klaus Brauer

Much of the laboratory capacity maintained by a firm to support the peaks in its development cycles can, between peaks, be made available to other companies. Similarly, inventions…

Partnering: Entering the Age of Cooperation

Frank K. Sonnenberg

Reflecting on the ‘old days’—all of five or six years ago—a Chicago area supplier … sarcastically recalls how one of his big customers used to treat its suppliers. The strategy…

Gaining a Financial Foothold Through Public Warehousing

Michael Jenkins

Although many companies have become financially weak in the current economy, Blue Diamond Growers, a worldwide producer and marketer of almonds, and Harley‐Davidson, Inc., are…

Operating a Manufacturing Plant in an Asian Culture

Ronald F. Konopacki

With many US companies owning production plants in foreign countries and others planning to do so, what does it take to run a metal fabricating plant overseas, especially in a…

Strategic Concepts at a Glance

Do attitudes differ among nations in their approach to product innovation? Arthur D. Little prepared a study which sought to determine how companies in the US, Europe, and Japan…

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  • Dr. Pierre Dal Zotto