Journal of Business Strategy: Volume 11 Issue 2


Table of contents

Building Alliances to Penetrate European Markets

Robert Porter Lynch

Cooperative efforts, such as strategic alliances and joint ventures, are two of the most rapid and least costly methods for U.S. firms to gain a foothold in Europe.

Europe 1992: Update for Business Planners

Eckart E. Goette

America's regional diversity has prepared many U.S. firms to operate in a unified, post‐1992 Europe. However, European companies will also benefit and become stronger global…

Market‐Entry Approaches for the Pacific Rim

Mike Van Horn

Small and midsize U.S. firms have adopted unorthodox but effective methods to sell their products and services overseas. Larger companies can do well to emulate the tactics used…

Outside Managers Offer Packaged Export Expertise

Joseph V. McCabe

Third‐party logistics firms can provide companies with an integrated distribution network, overseeing the forecasting, planning, sourcing, execution, and analysis of their export…

Managing Your Competitor's Strategy

Michel M. Robert

Competing on a product‐by‐product basis no longer works. Rather, take a broad view of potential competitors; then manage the overall strategies of key players.

Decision Support Systems Help Planners Hit Their Targets

Jeffrey P. Stamen

DSS software integrates corporate information on past performance with what is currently happening. Planners at a variety of companies are using this information technology to…

White‐Collar Quality Comes of Age

Herbert M. Baum

Campbell U.S.A.'s quality measurement program reaches beyond the manufacturing area to focus on the administrative and marketing side of the corporation. Job descriptions…

The Hidden Clout of Marketing Middlemen

Allan J. Magrath

Middlemen can make or break a strategy. Here are two case studies that show the pivotal role that these marketers play.

Make Freight Cost Control Part of Planning

Phil Ramsdale, Steve Harvey

Today, there are more ways to move freight than ever before. Here is how to tie transportation handling to strategic planning and reduce your company's freight bills.

Why the U.S. Government Should Go to Bat for Business

David A. Heenan

“The United States can't sit around in striped pants drinking pink gin,” the late Sen. Jacob Javits (R‐NY) once warned. “Washington should discard its long‐standing and misguided…

Shootout in the Classroom

David W. Rhodes

From Crossroads in American Education (a 1989 report from the Educational Testing Service) comes this sobering news: “Sixty‐one percent of the 17‐year‐old students could not…

Flexible Financing With Mezzanine Debt

Kent Gross, Amin Amiri

The descriptive title, mezzanine debt, applies to a loan made without traditional security. Generally, mezzanine debt involves an unsecured debt or junior debt that is subordinate…

Telecommunications Opens New Strategic Vistas

G. Michael Ashmore

Telecommunications has become an essential part of every facet of today's business, yet many of us tend to take it for granted. Whenever we pick up the phone, fax documents or…

Idea Forum:: Strategic Concepts at a Glance

One of the most important changes in the corporate world is the coming of age of the baby boomers. This generation of Americans, together with their offspring, will be the main…

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  • Dr. Pierre Dal Zotto