International Journal of Physical Distribution & Materials Management: Volume 9 Issue 6
Table of contents
Optimising the Location‐Allocation Problem with Multiple Objectives
Sang M. Lee, Lori Sharp FranzThe location‐allocation problem involves multiple shipping destinations, with known demands for a given product and known transportation costs from sources to destinations. The…
Inventory Carrying Costs: Current Availability and Uses
Douglas M. Lambert, John T. MentzerInventory carrying costs, the costs associated with the quantity and value of inventory stored, represent a large portion of the expense attached to distribution activities. These…
Estimation of a Department Store Production Function
Charles A. Ingene, Robert F. LuschRetail trade, an essential component in any industrialised marketing system, has received relatively little attention on a macro level. Rather, the formal study of retail trade…
Distribution Capacity Planning: The Long‐Term Problem
Ernest R. CadotteHow large should a distribution facility be initially? What size additions to the facility should be planned and when? For example, should a regional distribution centre be built…
Key Issues in Procurement Strategy in Advanced Technology Organisations
Ronald L. SchillRecent years of shortages, inflation, and rapid advances in technologies causing product obsolescence and tremendous cost decreases—such as integrated circuits—have had pronounced…
Materials Management and Buying Behaviour
Adrie de GrootEver since the industrial revolution, companies have been trying to improve their overall performance. Most of the attention and efforts were directed towards reducing labour cost…