International Journal of Physical Distribution & Materials Management: Volume 9 Issue 1

Table of contents

The Interfaces of Supplier, Distributor and Consumer—An Appraisal

E.P. Hibbert

Whilst it is a truism that the distributor is the link between the supplier and the consumer, even where a manufacturer, for example, sells direct to the consumer, the distributor


The Development of Materials Administration

Dag Ericsson

There are two, or to be more accurate, three different ways of conceiving the concept of Materials Administration. (1) MA can be conceived of as a philosophy aiming at improved


Shipper Versus Carrier Perceptions of Carrier Selection Variables

Roger E. Jerman, Ronald D. Anderson, James A. Constantin

A great deal of attention in physical distribution management has been raised by both practitioners and academicians as to what type of carrier service is desired by shippers and…


Economic Concentration and Customer‐Supplier Relations

K.J. Blois

The structure of organisational markets has been altering quite rapidly in recent years. This paper describes some of the changes which have occurred and considers their


Multinational Procurement: Corporate Parent versus Subsidiary Perceptions

Brian Toyne

The international purchasing function is a critical element in the multinational enterprise's (MNE's) formulation of functionally integrated international policy and strategy and…


Effective Implementation of Purchasing Operations

Harold W. Fox, David R. Rink

“There is clear evidence from recent research studies that even in large multinational companies purchasing tends to be regarded as a function allied to production and responding…


An Appraisal of the Integrated Physical Distribution Management Concept

Douglas M. Lambert, James F. Robeson, James R. Stock

The notion that a firm's total costs could be reduced, customer service improved, and interdepartmental conflicts substantially reduced if distribution activities were more




Online date, start – end:

1978 – 1989

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Emerald Publishing Limited