International Journal of Physical Distribution & Materials Management: Volume 19 Issue 9
Table of contents
Assessing International Port Operations
Paul R. Murphy, Douglas R. Dalenburg, James M. DaleyA mail survey was conducted among 535 worldwide water ports andwater carriers to learn about (1) the importance of various portselection factors and (2) the influence of…
Computer‐assisted Vehicle Routeing Systems
Brian F. O’Neil, Michael R.W. BommerIncreasingly, companies are looking for more efficient ways ofdistributing their goods and are turning to Computer‐assisted VehicleRouteing Systems (CAVRS) to replace manual…
Minimising Moulding Production and Material Storage Costs
N.K. Kwak, Judith S. Freeman, Marc J. SchniederjansAn examination of changing an inventory policy of a majormanufacturing organisation and its impact on the cost structure of theorganisation is presented. A classic cost…
Prime Vendor/Hospital Purchasing Relationships
Scott T. YoungSourcing research to date has concentrated on manufacturing,primarily in the form of just‐in‐time purchasing systems. This studyexamines sourcing in an important service industry…
Evaluating and Developing Materials Management Personnel
Robert E. Niebuhr, Fred P. AdamsEvaluation and development of personnel in the materials managementarea is a major concern for today′s growth‐oriented organisations. Amodel is provided for evaluating both the…