International Journal of Physical Distribution & Materials Management: Volume 19 Issue 6
Table of contents
Material Traffic Flow Patterns within the Canadian Forces
M. Natalie Lam, Kevin Y.K. NgThe traffic flow pattern of the material distribution activitywithin the Canadian Forces was evaluated. The aim was to validate thecurrent operation of the material traffic…
Cabotage in Road Haulage and the Single European Market Proposals
Edmund J. Gubbins, Peter HancoxThe aim of the common transport policy of the EEC and the reasonsfor the slow progress to date are discussed. Harmonisation of regulationand competition policy are important…
Distribution – The Contract Approach
Philip R.S. Wilson, Steve J. FathersIn recent years, retailers have come to the fore in the developmentof distribution systems in the UK. With this move has come the greatlyaccelerated use of “distribution service…
Marketing and Financial Influences on Inventory Levels: An Illustrative Case
Norman E. MarrThis article outlines how one particular company sought to bringabout inventory reductions, and hence cost savings, without reducingcustomer service levels. The author′s attention…