International Journal of Physical Distribution & Materials Management: Volume 19 Issue 3
Table of contents
Selecting the Team to Meet Passenger Preferences
Kay FosterMarket research is drawn on to examine the hypothesis thatpassengers′ perceptions of in‐flight service are influenced by cabincrew composition. The conclusions, very generalised…
Marketing Express Coach Services in a Deregulated Environment
Derek RobbinsThe regulatory environment dismantled by the 1980 Transport Act(which deregulated scheduled express coach services) is outlined. Thisis followed by a description of the…
The Fine Art of Sponsorship
Martin BurridgeSponsorship in sport is a rapidly growing part of the businessscene. Association with success or the right image can reap rich rewardsbut there is also a danger of allowing…
Modelling the Cost Structure of UK Oil Distributors
Graham BobbyA model designed to assist management in understanding the coststructure of oil distributors in the UK is developed. This model can beprogrammed on to a spreadsheet and only…
Are You Missing the Woopies? Marketing to the Older Consumer
Caroline TynanWoopies (Well Off Older People), otherwise recognised as matureconsumers who are reasonably prosperous, have been largely ignored as amarket segment so far. As their numbers…