International Journal of Physical Distribution & Materials Management: Volume 19 Issue 1

Table of contents

Freight Distribution and Transportation Systems Planning

Teodor Gabriel Crainic, Pierre J. Dejax

Interactive‐graphic systems and operations research methodologiesare increasingly being combined to produce efficient, versatile andpowerful tools that enhance the decision‐making…


The Logistics of Contract Manufacturing

Joseph L. Cavinato

Outsourcing, or contract manufacturing, is becoming an increasinglypopular alternative to in‐house production. It has wide implications forthe firm. Since logistics is evolving to…


Output Standardisation and Logistical Strategy, Structure and Performance

Richard Germain

This empirical research investigates the effect of productstandardisation on logistics in a cross‐section of United Statesmanufacturers. Relying on contingency theory, the effect…


Customer Service: Product Differentiation in International Markets

Larissa S. Kyj, Myroslaw J. Kyj

Oligopolistic markets typically revert to some form of non‐pricecompetition in order to differentiate their goods and services. Customerservices that are associated with tangible…




Online date, start – end:

1978 – 1989

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited