International Journal of Physical Distribution & Materials Management: Volume 18 Issue 5

Table of contents

Motor Carrier Services: The US Experience

T.S. Raghunathan, Prabir K. Bagchi, Edward J. Bardi

This discussion of buying motor carrier services in a deregulated environment identifies the key factors influencing supplier choice.


A Conceptual Approach for Managing of Spare Parts

Peter Duchessi, Giri Kumar Tayi, Joshua B. Levy

A methodology is proposed for integrating managerial logic to control spares inventory.


Distribution Channels: A Validation Study

John F. Gaski

The author sets out to achieve a better measurement of interorganisational power in distribution channels.


Speculative Inventory Management: A Total Channel Perspective

Walter Zinn, Michael Levy

What is the best place for a speculative inventory in a marketing channel? Here is a theoretical analysis.




Online date, start – end:

1978 – 1989

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited