International Journal of Physical Distribution & Materials Management: Volume 17 Issue 6

Table of contents

Creating Channel Dependence through the Use of Minimum Order Quantities

Mark L. Bennion

Channel control has become increasingly more important to both marketing practitioners and researchers. The manufacturers' ability to influence the marketing policies, strategies…


The Management of Documentation by British Exporters

Gary Davies, Charles Freebury

Even in a relatively routine international transaction fifteen or more separate parties can be involved. Information has to be supplied at the right time for up to fifty…


The Physical Distribution Concept as a Philosophy of Business

Gavin E. Staude

It is commonly held that there are four economic utilities which need to be created in relation to a product before it has any value to the ultimate consumer. These are form…


Methods of Logistics Systems Analysis

William C. Copacino, Donald B. Rosenfield

Logistics has been receiving increased attention in management literature in the past few years. In particular, logistics has been recognised not only as a group of important…




Online date, start – end:

1978 – 1989

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Emerald Publishing Limited