International Journal of Physical Distribution & Materials Management: Volume 16 Issue 1

Table of contents

Closed Loop Planning for Manufacturing and Distribution

William R. Dube

Isn't it amazing that winning teams have high morale and even the offense and defense like each other?


Physical Distribution and Product Characteristics

M.J. Ploos van Amstel

The well‐known maxim “different products, different requirements” is, of course, derived from practical experience. This article seeks to establish whether this maxim also has…


A Materials Auditing System: A Case Example

R.P. Mohanty, K. Muthukrishnan

Auditing, as a management technique, has been recognised as an independent and systematic evaluation of various activities performed in an organisation in order to improve…


Implementing Logistics Strategy

Martin Christopher

It is probably the case that a point has been reached where many companies understand the “total distribution concept” and the need for a logistics orientation in managing the…


Reducing Vehicle Fleet Costs: A Case Study

Melvyn P. Eastburn, Lawrence R. Christensen

This article tells the story of the very successful implementation of a computer delivery planning system for daily route scheduling. The system was installed in early 1984 at a…




Online date, start – end:

1978 – 1989

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited