International Journal of Physical Distribution & Materials Management: Volume 14 Issue 1

Table of contents

Developing a Distribution Plan

Martin Christopher

Increasingly many companies have recognised the need to develop more formal approaches to planning. The uncertainties of the market environment and the increased complexity of…


Management and Resource Administration

Dag Ericsson

Over the years billions of dollars have been invested in new and more advanced production and handling equipment and in computer systems for the efficient control and utilisation…


The Impact of Customer Services in International Markets

Norman E. Marr

Traditionally distribution service has been viewed as an ancillary part of the product, “a necessary evil”. As a consequence service levels tended to emerge over time to meet…


The Use of Management Accounting Techniques to Improve Productivity Analysis in Distribution Operations

Howard M. Armitage

Three separate but related streams of productivity research have recently appeared in the accounting and distribution literature. One stream has been concerned with the conceptual…


Trends in Computer Application in Transportation and Distribution Management

Craig M. Gustin

The advantages of computerising distribution information have been widely noted.




Online date, start – end:

1978 – 1989

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited