International Journal of Physical Distribution & Materials Management: Volume 11 Issue 8
Table of contents
Managing Integrated Distribution Systems: The Challenge of the 80s
Richard A. Lancioni, John F. GrashofThe year 1980, the decade of the 80s, twenty years until the year 2000. The next ten years may be among the most critical faced by American business, and physical distribution…
Technological Developments in Order Processing Systems
John T. MentzerProbably one of the earliest applications of computer technology to logistics was in the area of order processing. When the digital computer began to be introduced into business…
Financial Planning Considerations for Distribution in the 1980s
C.K. WalterPlus ca change, plus c'est la même chose.
Transportation Network Models: Past Problems and Prospects for the 1980s
Robert C. Bushnell, James T. Low, James B. WileyFor many years it has been recognised that physical distribution is a promising area for the application of system modelling techniques. Freight transportation systems offer a…
Product Recall: A Challenge for the 1980s
Rajan Chandran, Richard A. LancioniProduct recalls are no longer in the realm of theoretical possibilities; it is a regular fact of business life among manufacturers of both industrial and consumer products…
Co‐operation in Channels of Distribution: Physical Distribution Leads the Way
Lynn E. Gill, Robert P. AllerheiligenHistorically goods and services have been distributed through networks in which loosely aligned firms have bargained at arm's length, negotiated aggressively over price and other…
Reformulating a Logistics Strategy: A Concern for the Past, Present and Future
Ronald H. BallouThe design of logistical systems historically has been responsive to the economic climate and market requirements of the times. When the cost of money rose dramatically during the…