Managerial Auditing Journal: Volume 6 Issue 2


Table of contents

Operational Auditing Deserves a Prominent Place in the Auditing Curriculum

Thomas A. Gavin, Glenn E. Sumners, Nancy Linnemann

A rationale for including operational auditing as amajor component in the primary auditing course,as well as in subsequent courses, in the auditingcurriculum is developed. Reports…

The Internal Auditor’s Training Role

Barry S. Leithhead

Training is an effective way to change behaviour andto reinforce new skills and attitudes. The natureof the internal auditor′s role in training as anextension of the normal audit…

The Internal Auditor – Education and Training: The Partnership Concept

Zabihollah Rezaee, Gerald H. Lander

Internal auditing has transformed over the past twodecades from its beginnings as a financial enforcerto a respected member of the managementdecision‐making process. Internal…

Developing a Training Programme

Glenn E. Sumners, Richard A. Roy, Thomas A. Gavin

A methodology for developing a training programmeresponsive to the expanding scope of internal auditfunctions is presented. A training developmentcycle, of which an individual…

Internships: Injecting Real‐world Experience into the Internal Audit Curriculum

Mary Brady Greenawalt

Internal audit student internship programmes arean integral part of the curriculum for Institute ofInternal Auditors (IIA) target schools of USuniversities. The internship concept…

Preferred Learning Style: Relevant for Accounting Educators?

Marguerite Foxon

The Experiential Learning Model of Kolb, Rubin andMcIntyre (1984) and the Learning Style Inventory(LSI) developed by Kolb is discussed in relation toaccountants. The theory and…

Teaching Chaos: How to Manage Operational Audits

Gerald Vinten

Chaos theory has universal significance. It hasentered into management thinking, implicitly ratherthan explicitly, as seen in works such as Schon′sBeyond the Stable State

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  • Professor Jie Zhou