Table of contents
Images of Organisation: Culture and the Management of Technology
Fredric William SwierczekIt is argued that as the trend to globalisation continues andSoutheast Asia becomes a major focal point for investment and thetransfer of technology for export‐oriented growth…
Assessment‐based Development Centres
Paul Iles, Ivan Robertson, Usharani RoutA fair amount of evidence has been amassed concerning thereliability, validity and fairness of assessment centres when used forselection purposes. Selection‐oriented assessment…
Phases and Levels of Organisational Change
Nicholas S. Rashford, David CoghlanKubler‐Ross′ stages of death and dying – denial, anger,bargaining, depression and acceptance‐have formed the basis of much ofthe therapeutic work with the terminally ill. As death…
Influence and Trust in a Multinational Company
Lawson K. Savery, Henry J. WatersThe research is concerned with the level of trust betweensubordinates and superiors, level of influence of different grades inthe hierarchy as perceived by members of the…
Performance Appraisal: Testing a Process Model
Luis R. Gomez‐MejiaThe objectives of performance appraisal are outlined, and theproblems with performance evaluation are examined. Race, age and sexdiscrimination are discussed in relation to Equal…
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Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Professor Carrie Bulger